Tag Archive for: NEU

Turnkey Templates – NewEarth Communities, Homes, University & Retreats

    The NewEarth Movement has provided turnkey templates as ready-made development models, which may be implemented in various locations. Aside from their use in a number of locations to be developed by the NewEarth Project, those wishing to create their own communities within the NewEarth and/or create their own retreats surrounding the NewEarth University may also use these templates

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NEU by Co-founding Chancellor, Dr Nancy Ash

  The NewEarth University (NEU): “It is fruitless to spend your energy fighting against the old broken systems of education. We must embrace the antiquated infrastructure to transform and transmute it with love into the harmonic heart of REAL education. First we UN-learn and then learn the pure truth while adapting to a fresh environment – a sanctuary. So… we

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How to Detox & Balance Your Microbiome Consciously

  How does our self-awareness and self-love affect our microbiome? Aha! That’s the BIG question. In this fast-changing world, we need a smart, multi-dimensional approach to health. Your microbiome is the root of your immune system. It rules your digestion, and therefore your nourishment. That means this tiny environment of bugs effectively determines our health and future happiness! Wow! A

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Shining a Light on The First Human Relationship

  Shining a Light on The First Human Relationship by Kali Demmel   There is one relationship with no end and no beginning. A product, a cycle of Creation. It is within the nature of the sovereign human-being, that we carry the essence reflective of the nature of this reality, which is, Mother-Father-Child. In this way, the relationship that we

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What are the 6 NEU Schools?

    The following library resource is a brief overview of the purpose for each of the NewEarth University’s Six (6) Schools:   School of Natural Law NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law was created to help lead the planetary conversation on sovereignty while exploring innovative means to assist a global realization of the self-governance principle. The School is comprised

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What are NewEarth Initiatives?

  We must all step up now to initiate and embody an unfolding of events that benefit and elevate humanity beyond slavery and into the supra-beautification of organic existence in resonance with one another. Our individual attributes and expressions of creativity must reign freely within the human ecosystem as we initiate humanity into sovereignty. Those who have controlled humanity have

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New Year / New Beginnings … We’re in This Together

    By Angela Kirby, Faculty, NewEarth University School of The Living Arts (Note: Ascension Artwork #63 by Angela KIRBY © 2022 courtesy of the author)     Here we are on our 2022 journey juxtaposed with remnants of past and connection with future lives that we have and to be travelled. I’ve listened to many 2022 Astrology reports –

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NewEarth University (NEU)

The NewEarth University (NEU) synergizes ancient wisdom with full-spectrum breakthrough technologies and innovations from leading experts in their field. Together we are manifesting an authentic wisdom-base that alchemizes easily into the coming Golden Age. We embody an online new-paradigm learning environ of the NewEarth Horizon, NewEarth Project and greater NewEarth movement and are accessible to a worldwide collaborative community for

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NEU Whitepaper on Covid-19 Global Situation

  June, 2020 ~ MUST READ: The NewEarth University (NEU) COVID-19 WHITEPAPER (7-pages) compiled and written by Thomas J. Brown, longtime NEU Fellow and Faculty associated with the School of Science & Design Innovation. This is a seminal paper that is informed from primary sources, with a distillation of data contrary to the official 2020 narrative. Featured at the online World Health Sovereignty

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a kaleidoscopic view of neu by dr nancy ash (article)

  Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD – NewEarth University Co-founding Chancellor   There is a common saying that the only constant in life is change.  A resonant perspective dwells (as two sides of a coin) inextricably bound within the universal coordinates of love and pure-truth. That being said… there’s much ado on the event-horizon – in scope and

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NewEarth Turnkey Templates

NewEarth provides turnkey templates as ready-made development models, which may be implemented in most places. Aside from their use in a number of locations developed by the NewEarth Project, those wishing to create their own communities within NewEarth and/or create their own retreats surrounding the NewEarth University may also use these templates as the foundation of their development model  

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