Light · On · Therapeutic · Utilization · Services
Update 2024
The LOTUS Initiative was consciously conceived in 2018 as a worldwide initiative by ITNJ inaugural trustee, the Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash. In tandem with the Committee to Support the ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice during the formation of the tribunal’s first Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse – the LOTUS Initiative was born and began to blossom.
The ITNJ Commission proceedings revealed a dire need to provide support, loving comfort, healing, truth & reconciliation and absolution for those suffering (and also their families) from trauma related to the stunning, horrific revelations of that Judicial Commission of Inquiry.
In this regard, all future ITNJ Commissions and witnesses, whistle-blowers, etc. (no matter the topic or focus) will also have their share of exposing shocking atrocities, which shall need compassionate support services like LOTUS.
Thus, the LOTUS Initiative now provides such support, free-of-charge.
Many courageous Souls – suffering ghastly abuses and trauma – have bravely come forward to give on-site and/or virtual testimony to the ITNJ Commissions of Inquiry, the first having been launched April of 2018 at Westminster Hall in London, UK during a 3-day Seating.
For a comprehensive digital viewing of those proceedings with eye-opening witness testimonies (in a plethora of embedded videos) visit:
A second ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry was launched in a 2-day Seating in Indonesia, June of 2019: Weaponisation of the Biosphere.
The principal intention behind any ITNJ Commission of Inquiry is not to instigate witch-hunts or target particular figures, but rather to set in motion a culture which ensures the restoration of truth, disclosure, reconciliation, healing and redemption surrounding vital issues of systemic, worldwide human trafficking and child sex abuse; and, the Weaponization of our Biosphere & Health-Sovereignty.
In that vein, the LOTUS Initiative Providers compassionately shine light to help restore balance to suffering individuals for a re-calibrated life – to live in pure-truth from a birthright that is Divine as beautiful sovereign beings of radiant peace.
LOTUS (acronym for Light On Therapeutic Utilization Services) is an online sacred, safe, container… a precious womb-space offering an array of COMPLIMENTARY Therapeutic Services gifted by heart-centered professionals from around the world.
They volunteer their expertise as LOTUS Providers for ITNJ Commission TIs (targeted individuals) and their families; witnesses; survivors; whistleblowers; and also ITNJ team members exposed to trauma through jolting Judicial Commission research and work.
The NewEarth University (NEU) and its School of Natural Law is honored to assist this noble Initiative supported by the ITNJ team of worldwide volunteers, including its ITNJ Board of Trustees.
NEU generously provides sponsorship and full hosting support through this NEU website – and a few LOTUS Providers are actually NEU faculty members.

Bali Lotus Bee Photo 2019, courtesy of Rev Dr N Ash
The founder of The LOTUS Initiative, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash, is also the Co-founding Chancellor of the NewEarth University (NEU). Rev Dr. Ash is currently offering her services as a LOTUS Provider.
Your worldwide Director of LOTUS is Kaila Bell in Australia. She is also one of your devoted LOTUS Providers.
Gratitude to Connie Broussard for designing the lovely LOTUS Initiative logo.
Many thanks to all LOTUS Providers for lovingly contributing their service skills, photos and seminal resources to the online LOTUS pages.
The NewEarth University (NEU) in association with the Committee to Support the ITNJ is honored to continue to sponsor the blossoming LOTUS Initiative in alignment with the good works of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice – and its Judicial Commissions of Inquiry.
May Your Heart Be at Peace
The LOTUS Initiative