New Year / New Beginnings … We’re in This Together



By Angela Kirby, Faculty, NewEarth University School of The Living Arts

(Note: Ascension Artwork #63 by Angela KIRBY © 2022 courtesy of the author)



Here we are on our 2022 journey juxtaposed with remnants of past and connection with future lives that we have and to be travelled.

I’ve listened to many 2022 Astrology reports – something I like to do to see what the feel for the incoming year will be. I have several sources that I dive into along with my own personal yearly forecast. For me it’s important to know the up-coming energies, themes and possibilities; it’s not finite, but it’s helpful.

A friend of mine, Kate, either comes to my home and clinic (or I go to her place) and we do a swap, as in, I do an oracle reading and healing for her and she does the Astro’ read for me. We enjoy our time together. It’s been our yearly gig for over a decade now. I’ve had several Astrologers over my life but with Kate, we get on well and align with what’s required to be heard and navigated for the months ahead. It’s really interesting, and I might go through the info a couple of times during the year to see where things are, as I record the session, if I feel the urge.

As a general observation, 2022 looks like there’s still some big moments to reveal more of the hidden, as have been over the past 2 years (which are decades of shadow coming out). But … almost immediately along-side of, juxtaposed with that is the greatness celebration of moving through the changes being ushered in with triumphant results.

Now, how you interpret that is up to your own research and where you are placed in your life line, in that you either are curious or not and either are ok with it. We certainly have a long way to go in unfolding this new paradigm, but we are amazing peoples all over this planet doing what we are called to do to roll this new (earth) age into being.

From what I have observed and continue to do … is place myself with the peoples that I align with of which gives me trust and knowing that we are getting through this psychological war. And with calm and great excitement I believe, of embracing the feelings of where we place ourselves in our future, it’s time to dream big and feel that deep within ourselves.

Life is complex and simple at the same time – there are so many levels and layers as a collective and so many also, personally. Nature is defiantly a keeper for reminding us that being in it is a must and that it rolls on regardless … and that is comforting to quell the mind of excess drama thinking.  To be amongst the nature elements for grounding and enjoy the enormity of it is a highlight of life we all require to drink in regularly. How lucky are those fully ensconced living in Mother Nature!

I believe the changes that come about in this year will point in directions much needed for us all, that align with nature, our planet and our fellow travelers that we are surrounded with. Instead of judgement what is the gift of a person being in our life? Instead of resisting, let us be with ourselves in the quiet, aligning and hearing the messages so readily given in many a form.

Are we listening?

A storm in the mind can erupt in a moment from our thinking, the clouds accumulate and the deluge begins. I recall as a child losing it in that my world felt like it was falling apart and getting lost in fear and suffering. And now when a moment/s arrive the big sister or mother within me calms that inner child down, to be heard and then to go over the situation and assess what is required to be done or not. It could be simply to go for a walk or meditate or practice simple conscious breathing to calm down the back of the brain’s reactions.

Moments alone are purposeful to rest or get things done that only being alone can action. Being at one with our self and allowing our dreams to awaken us – any night time dreams welcomed for the messages. Explore them on paper through writing … then possibly use clay to bring about the felt sense or perhaps draw your feelings garnered from the dream’s wording and see what comes about. It’s always worth the effort; it is our job.

This is not an ego conversation. It is more transpersonal, i.e., the larger picture inviting to commune with you, unfolding your inner wisdoms with the connection of the universe. The inner journey work is imperative to self-awaken and be the powerhouse that we are, and usher in living the life that we are each here to do, be and live.

This year is another powerful year and it’s important to ask ourselves where and what do we align with? And, then see what unfolds. Only you can answer your own life’s questions no matter how well intentioned or meaning another can be, while others ideas are valuable… ultimately it is you that either has the answer required or there’s a time gap awaiting answers to arrive. You will know the moment: it’s learning to trust that implicitly. And with daily gratitude and in thanking the daily gift arrivals (in whatever format, big or small) are the glue that seal the abundance we seek.

Big love for us all, being in truth, research and fun,



Angela Kirby is an award-winning multi-talented artist and Art Therapist living in Australia. She joined the NewEarth University faculty in 2019 and also serves as a Provider for NEU’s LOTUS Initiative, which helps support the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (





The NewEarth University

School of The Living Arts


© NewEarth University

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