Applied Integrative Bio-Physics


Welcome to Dr. Sandra Michael’s Digital Classroom (2025)

Cutting-edge curriculum in Applied Integrative Bio-Physics from the NewEarth University (NEU) School of Science & Design Innovation. All info is on this page including study access protocols in red for an online workshop: The Future of Medicine (taught in English).

NOTE: Read This Section Mindfully

If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum.

If not, you need to open a free University account – first – for any tuition-purchase & access to workshops or courses.

This is easily accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form after required reading of the NEU Course Info Page – Getting Started (top main-menu under Courses)



Once you have a NEU account you may enroll in – and access – this Workshop. Access is linked from your account credentials. Tuition-enrolled students will click the blue access button ⇓ below. Always log in first via your account credentials (top main-menu Account). Thank you for following essential protocols. InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at NEU.


Dear Colleague, Aloha!

Thank you for interest to study Applied Integrative Bio-Physics

My Workshop: The Future of Medicine

may be available later in ’25 as a video replay + PDF

Note: If you’ve already enrolled, scroll for replay access ⇓ 

Meet Your Professor

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned her global respect for creation of the scalar energy medicine modality the EESystem. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the Harvard Club, and many other conferences, medical schools and ministries of health worldwide. Her Bio-Scalar EESystem technology has been publicized by media outlets like CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the WSJ and many more.

Dr. Sandra attended the 2019 NewEarth Festival in Bali, Indonesia where she lectured at the World Health Sovereignty Summit and subsequently joined the NewEarth University, collaborating with its fellows and faculty members in the School of Science & Design Innovation, while cross-pollinating her longtime multi-faceted expertise with the School of Health & Wellness. Professor Michael is delighted to bring her cutting-edge Applied Integrative Bio-Physics curriculum to you.





Online Workshop

The Future of Medicine

Dr. Michael recorded LIVE in NEU’s Digital Classroom

What You Will Learn

Bio-Hacking to Hyper-Health through Quantum Physics EES 
  • Reverse Aging and Dis-ease while You Sleep!
  • DNA / Cellular Regeneration and Activation of Stem Cells
  • ‘Tesla’ Technology for Energy Enhancement, Performance and Healing
  • Applied Integrative Bio-Physics to Recharge Your Body, Environment
  • Intro to Dr Michael’s life-work in Scalar Technology & her EES products to help you stay strong


What You Received 

  • 3.5 hour Workshop – video replay access
  • Replay not downloadable – you don’t own it / NEU Access in Dr. Michael’s Workshop Page
  • Downloadable PDF – Deep Dive Manual in her Workshop Page

What You Need to Study

  • NEU account / ability to navigate online study protocols, emphasis red
  • Notepad/journal & pencil/pen, etc. to take notes/doodle as inspired
  • Access to a printer (optional to print PDF)


“Dr. Michael, We thank you everyday for the EES!” ~ Much Aloha, Alison and Family
Dear Dr. Michael, “I am so glad that I found you and your technology. Your healing skills are a gift to the world! Be Well!” ~ J Mosley
“Dr. Michael:  There’s hope for this World because people like you exist. God Bless You and Everything that You do!!” ~ Daniela
“Having known Dr. Michael for many years, I can attest that she is a woman of brilliance and utmost integrity with a genuine interest to help mankind. Her character is impeccable and unparalleled. She is a woman of honor who holds true to her word without fail… As a quantum physicist, I can assure that Dr. Michael’s EES generates scalar energy…” ~ In Truth, Edgar
“EESystem not only supports people to go into deep meditation, it also activates the deep spiritualizing force of the Cosmic Energy.” ~ Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD


  • Video replay not downloadable – you don’t own it 

  • NEU Policy – No refund issued for workshop replay

  • Access: Log in to NEU with your student account credentials

    • RETURN to THIS COURSE PAGE .. click below ⇓ for access button



The Future of Medicine

Recorded LIVE

Your Tuition: $65.oo USD

* How to Study with Dr Michael (2-steps) *

Step 1 ENROLL Workshop ↓

NOTE: Enrollment may re-open later in ’25

Step 2 ACCESS Workshop ⇓

Workshop Welcome Page: Access to Replay & PDF Manual



Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University School of Science & Design Innovation
Dr Sandra Rose Michael & NEU Administration


© NewEarth University

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