UCC: How to Own Your Strawman


Welcome to Bibi’s Digital Classroom at NEU (2024)

All of Bibi Bacchus’ School of Natural Law UCC curriculum info is on this page, with enrollment / access protocols in red for 2 separate Workshop video-replays taught in English.


NOTE – Read This Section Mindfully

If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum.

If not, you need to open a free University account – first – for any tuition-purchase & access to workshops / courses.

This is easily accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form after required reading of NEU Course Info Page – Getting Started (top main-menu under Courses) 

Once you have a University account you may enroll in – and access – curriculum here. Access is linked from your account credentials. Tuition-enrolled students will click the appropriate blue access button below ↓ Always log in first via your account credentials (top main-menu: Account). Thank you for following essential protocols ~ InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at NEU.



Welcome to my UCC-STRAWMAN Course Page

Please read all content before studying

Thank you for keen interest
in my life-work.


A New UCC Course may be offered later in ’24

depending on my schedule

Do not email administration now for dates

Stay-tuned here for details

There’s no wait-list – do not attempt to reserve / pay tuition early

Love from Bibi & NEU’s School of Natural Law 


Meet teacher Bibi Bacchus, faculty member UCC senior advisor at the NewEarth University School of Natural Law. In this 40-min. interview (debut-filmed in 2018 by NewEarth founder Sacha Stone) Bibi gives an introductory explanation of UCC basics: how to kill and then own Your STRAWMAN  video replay ↓



Why study Bibi’s curriculum?

UCC Law is the highest expression of law as it is commonly manifested in the world.  Meaning to say the basis upon which all contracts exist.  Contracts both visible and invisible between people of the world and the (corporation) governments, (corporation) agencies, (corporation) banks and (corporation) institutions, which commandeer and govern our lives and livelihoods.

UCC or Uniform Commercial Code also over-arches and underpins the codes of exchange between all agencies, governments and institutions between and amongst themselves.  All human affairs are thereby governed by such contracts, which are made, assumed or foisted upon them.  Once humankind awakens to UCC law and learns how NOT to contract, how to REVOKE contracts and how to RESCIND and REDACT signatures and subjugation to the fictions – then we will be rid of the covert systems of control and manipulation (enslavement) which all seek to be freed from.


Your Teacher’s Summary

Sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime manufactured to entrap her – Bibi Bacchus did not roll over and die, which the corrupt police and judiciary expected of her.  Instead she studied the highest expression of international law (UCC) and came out of incarceration after 7 years and 2 months, knowing exactly how the rigged system is committing fraud and treason against 7 billion souls on earth.

In 2018, Bibi joined the faculty of the NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law devoted to share these seminal teachings with the Sovereign people of our world. She has taught at NEU for nine (9) consecutive semesters, helping many to begin their heroic journey.

Presently her curriculum includes: two (2) separate online Workshops (now video-replays) that are a good introduction for new students to the STRAWMAN concept and UCC. They also provide an opportunity to glean Bibi’s philosophy, teaching style and methodology.

She also teaches a popular online intensive 5-week Intro Course, usually offered during the Winter & Fall Semesters. (That Course has no prerequisites.) Students stay-tuned here at Bibi’s Course Page for any of her course announcements.

If you feel inspired to UN-Learn & Learn from Bibi, she requests you carefully read this ENTIRE PAGE OF INFO before enrolling in any curriculum.


About Bibi Bacchus (in her own words ’18)

My name is Bibi Bacchus and I am 72 years of age and my permanent abode is in the UK.  I lived in the Republic of Florida for several years. My profession was a nurse in London since 1970 (in good standing), and I sold real estate in Florida for 18 years, (also in very good standing). I never had any problems with the law – not even a speeding ticket. I paid my taxes, worked two jobs… As a realtor I was selling approximately 25 houses per month and was a good little borrower. I have a wonderful supportive husband and two beautiful children; we have always been a close family. I never drank alcohol or smoked in my entire life.

When I was 54 years old my whole life turned upside down when an IRS agent and a local detective walked into my office and asked me to go to court, lying about a customer I sold a house to. I refused. And that is when my nightmare began.

I was set up and sent to prison for 8 years.

The person I sold the property to never testified. I vowed to find out how they could do this. So for 7 years, 2 months in prison… I spent every day studying how they did this to me and my family. With the help of my family I was able to get information on research and I studied the UCC, and the law that I was tried under.

It is quite amazing what fraud is being done to billions of people all over the world.

I love my family, but I was deported back to London, and for the past 18 years we have been separated. I cannot be there if they are sick, or for birthdays or holidays, and it breaks my heart. After studying the UCC and putting it into practice the judge deported me under a different name. He stated on the deportation document that I failed to acknowledge my name, so he deported me. All he needs to get paid is for me to acknowledge my name so I can contract with him – and he would get paid. I refused; I told him if he did not have my name I should not be in his military courtroom!


1) WORKSHOP for You Now



Intro UCC Workshop – PART 1 How to Own Your STRAWMAN

Enrollment: 4-hr video REPLAY ACCESS


Workshop is not a pre-requisite for my UCC 5-week Intro Course

Content stands on its own as Strawman/UCC basic concepts intro + my teaching style

NOTE: There is no personal legal advice available for students

Workshop Tuition: $79.oo USD

Intro UCC STRAWMAN Workshop – PART 1 was recorded in late 2018. Inspiring and enlightening, Bibi’s digital classroom was brimming with dozens of people like yourself from around the world: Australia to Canada… Jordan, France, Germany and Slovenia… to the UK & USA. All gleaned a 360-view of UCC basics and a heroic journey / process to take back their STRAWMAN.

From Bibi: Although my workshop has ended, a 4-hr video-recording REPLAY is now embedded in my NEU Workshop Page for your tuition-study * Important: video is not downloadable – you won’t own it. You have access to study at this website (in my Workshop Page) * NOTE NEU POLICY: No Refund issued for this Workshop replay. Thank you.


* How to study with me (2-steps) *

Step 1 ENROLL Workshop – PART 1 ↓

After successful enrollment, receive NEU confirmation email. Then, return HERE for Step 2



Log in with account credentials – click button





2) WORKSHOP for You Now



UCC Workshop – PART 2 Strawman Slavery & The Banksters

Enrollment: 2-hour REPLAY ACCESS

SEPARATE Tuition from Workshop – PART 1


Workshop is not a pre-requisite for my UCC 5-week Intro Course

Content stands on its own as Strawman-Bankster basic concepts + my UCC teaching style.

NOTE: There is no personal legal advice available for students


Banksters Workshop Tuition: $79.oo USD

This UCC – PART 2 Workshop includes basics of:

  • Strawman Fundamentals & Bankster Overview

  • Mortgage Fraud System & Bankruptcy Scam

  • REAL truth of the Court System

  • Social Security Ponzi Scheme

  • Federal Reserve Notes/US Dollars & The British Pound

  • Birth Certificate, Your Rights & Your Children’s Rights

Strawman Slavery & The Banksers Workshop – PART 2 was recorded in 2019 lasting almost 2.5 hours. A video-recording REPLAY is embedded in Bibi’s Workshop Page available for study. Replay is not downloadable – you won’t own it. * NOTE: There are NO PDFs for PART 2 – Slavery & The Banksters. NEU POLICY: No refund issued for this Workshop replay. Thank you.


* How to study with me (2-steps) *

Step 1 ENROLL Workshop – PART 2 ↓

After successful enrollment, you receive NEU confirmation email. Return for step 2



Log in with account credentials – click button


3) Fall Semester 2023 

This course was sold-out



Posted October 9, 2023
Notice to anyone wishing to enroll in my 5-week Intro Course
Students are not allowed to enroll in my course using a different name.
Do not enroll FOR – or on behalf of – friends or relatives, or anyone else.
Please use your correct email address from student account credentials, which will be on my Course Roster. Make sure you give correct info at Course enrollment or you will not be admitted.
During Class 1 if you feel this Course is not for you, please inform the University immediately (in-writing) requesting a partial refund. Do not wait until mid- semester, and then decide to drop out… as there is NO REFUND after Class 1 Zoom ends.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Bibi Bacchus ©

Online UCC 5-week Intro Course

How to Own Your STRAWMAN

Here at website Class Pages & Bibi LIVE in NEU’s Classroom


Fall Semester 2023

November 4 – December 2


3 PM Guyana-time, South America (UTC-4:00) on Zoom

For time-signatures in your area, consult time-zone converter (copy/paste URL to your browser) 

* Note: Enrollment is Closed *

This course was sold-out

Student Tuition: $575.00 USD


* How to study with me (2-steps) *

Step 1 Enroll 5-wk Course ↓


Once enrolled, you receive NEU confirmation email; return for Step 2


Step 2 Access 5-wk Course ↓

Return logged in from account  click


Course ENTRY: Classes 1-5 / PDFs / Notes / Dec 30 eMail end / Course access end January 16


Dear Students, until I see you soon … Be well, have Courage.

If you wish to study with me in the future, first read ALL detailed info at THIS page.

NOTE: There is no personal legal advice available for students

Thank you with warm regards. Bibi



UCC 5-week Intro Course at NEU: weekly, online + e-mail

  • Dates: Fall Semester 2023: SATURDAYs, Nov 4 – Dec 2 (email ended Dec 30)

  • Classes: 3 PM Guyana-time, So. America, UTC-4:00

  • Language: English only

  • Course based HERE at NEU’s site in Bibi’s Class Pages / Access ended Jan 16, 2024

    • Classes LIVE in zoom classroom / no cost to you; download free Zoom!

    • Once enrolled, you have auto-access to Class 1 – Welcome Page (PDFs)

  • Course Tuition: $575.00 USD



  • If you enroll, but need to cancel attendance before the course starts, your refund is $550.00 USD.

2. DURING CLASS 1 – if you feel this Course is not for you, then you must immediately request a PARTIAL REFUND (in-writing) emailed to NEU Administration noting that you cannot continue attending.

  • You would then incur a fee of $175.oo USD. Thus your PARTIAL REFUND would be $400.oo USD. 



Dear Student from Bibi

If you need essential basics for what a STRAWMAN is and/or what the UCC is … you may consider enrolling in my separate INTRO WORKSHOP – PART 1 to give you a basic overview. This may also help to prepare you for my in-depth 5-week UCC Introductory Course. NOTE: I require no prerequisite for the 5-week Intro Course although a basic Workshop may help get you started on the journey… and see my teaching style to realize that my 5-week Intro Course is intensive with ALOT of paperwork that YOU will do on your own. If interested, my PART 1 WORKSHOP video-replay is available for tuition-purchase see above ↑ follow prompts.


Teacher Bibi Bacchus states:

“This UCC Course is not a ‘one-time event’ for students; it is groundwork for them to learn, study and grow… Students in this Intro Course will have to carefully study all of the information presented and understand it, which I explain – in detail – during its five (5) classes.”



IMPORTANT According to Bibi, UCC law is international, and you will learn fundamentals to help navigate through the system no matter what part of the world you live in. The 5-week Introductory UCC Course will be helpful for you to begin to see reality more clearly, and start to learn an in-depth process for reclaiming your fiction. This is only the beginning for remedy… after my course ends you will have much to do on your own.


5-week Intro Course Fundamentals:

  • Overview of Sovereignty and the UCC

  • A slavery-reality of the current system

  • Protocol basics: process of owning Your STRAWMAN

  • Essentials to help you reclaim your fiction: UCC-1 financing statement

    • You download forms online to fill-in; then You file UCC-1

  • Instruction to fill-in forms

    • You print & fill-in forms, then You file on your own;

    • Note: Some template forms You will re-type.

  • UCC-related paperwork to study

  • Valuable tips from Bibi’s seasoned life & worldwide teaching

  • Q & A to help You innerstand the UCC & forms you’ll use to BEGIN a journey of owning Your STRAWMAN.

Each online class is designed to be 2 hours (some may be longer depending on class size) covering aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This Course usually has attendees from five continents. For time-signatures in your area, consult a time-zone converter (copy/paste URL into your browser): https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html *** Do not eMail asking when the course starts for you. Thank you.


eMail Protocols

5-week Intro Course students have email access for assignments with Bibi & teaching assistant (TA):

  • Access to email ONLY for 5-week course students’ assignments.

Bibi is known for her devotion to this subject helping folks to navigate the UCC. She has a mentoring heart with a generosity of spirit communicating with students. Therefore:

Bibi allows for class-related email with students to continue for four (4) weeks after the Course has ended. She graciously extends that to help, as long as email is SPECIFICALLY RELATED to class-topics. Important: Your personal legal and/or family issues, etc. are not part of this Course. eMail is ONLY for reviewing class forms like the UCC-1 & Addendum – not for extra questions outside the scope of classes… and NOT used to discuss family, friends, legal issues, etc. Please be advised: Failure to respect this protocol will result in NO email response.


To 5-week Intro Course Students

*** Do not enroll until you have first read ALL protocols ***

  • Your entire course is AT NEU’s site – access button at THIS page

  • You are studying at NEU’s School of Natural Law; this is an INTENSE course of study.

  • All classes are accessed AT this self-study University:

  • Each week has a NEW Class Page with downloadable PDFs, Zoom-access, etc.

  • It is Your responsibility to read ALL carefully & follow protocols

  • NEU or myself do not host or provide separate student study groups for this Course

  • Access ↑ return to where you enrolled; click my access blue button

  • Note: In Class 1 Welcome Page, click box: “Mark Complete” to activate online status!

  • There are assignments: forms/papers You will re-type/fill-in

  • You send assignments via email-attachment using an address given at Class 1 – Welcome Page

    • Check SPAM-JUNK folders

  • IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE DIFFERENT eMail addresses or fake, different names. That creates confusion, delay and/or no response as we won’t know who you are! Use ONLY eMail address & FULL REAL name on your student account.

  • My TA may be answering some eMail for you.

  • Course Syllabus is at Class 1 – Welcome Page.

  • This course is LIVE on Zoom No Recordings

  • Download free Zoom video-conferencing platform to your device. Test settings BEFORE class for smooth access.

  • Your Responsibility to configure & test your audio / video settings / have GOOD internet!

  • Zoom may require Password & ID #

  • Zoom-access link is in Class 1 Welcome Page NO Zoom eMail reminder is sent

  • Suggestion: use desktop or laptop computer with a working video camera, microphone & speakers / headphones;

    • Computer may provide a better experience than small smartphone/tablet – your option;

    • Connect to Wi-Fi rather than rely on your device’s data – may give a more reliable / stable connection.

  • There is a Zoom waiting-room.

  • Important: Zoom account name MUST MATCH the name on my course roster for enrolled students;

  • Unknown fake name, nickname, friend/family name, phone #s etc. are NOT recognized, causing start-time delay for ALL. Follow protocol please, so we may begin promptly – thank you kindly.

Course usually has attendees from 5 continents. For time-signatures in your area consult time-zone converter (copy/paste URL to your browser) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html  * Do not eMail asking what exact time the course starts for you.


* Important Message from Bibi *

If you will not be attending ALL 5 Classes on Zoom, then I do NOT recommend you enroll.

There are no prerequisites.

This Course is not formatted with class video-replays – NO RECORDINGS.

eMail is ONLY class assignment related – not for personal legal or family/friend issues;

eMail extends an extra four (4) weeks AFTER my Course ends.

Access to 5 Class Pages at NEU’s site lasts an extra four (4) weeks AFTER my Course ends.

* Note: There is NO Refund AFTER Class 1 has ended on Zoom *


What You Need – Read Carefully!

    • Ability to follow my detailed instructions / protocols at this online University
    • Ability to download and USE free Zoom with GOOD internet
    • Printer-access to print downloadable PDFs BEFORE each Class
    • Writing paper / pen to take notes – important!
    • A labeled folder to help organize your printed docs
    • ALOT of time to focus, read & study all paperwork / forms
    • My intro course requires extensive study between classes and after it ends .. to continue the remedy process begun of taking back Your STRAWMAN. 

UCC 5-week Introductory Course tuition: $575.00 USD



  • If you enroll, but need to cancel attendance before the course starts, your refund is $550.00 USD.

2. DURING CLASS 1 – if you feel this Course is not for you, then you must immediately request a PARTIAL REFUND (in-writing) emailed to NEU Administration noting that you cannot continue attending. You would then incur a fee of $175.oo USD. Thus your PARTIAL REFUND would be $400.oo USD. 




Thank you for choosing to study the UCC at the online NewEarth University.
See you in the next Class. Stay strong. Peace be with you.
Bibi and the School of Natural Law


Due to HIGH volume of inquiries we’re unable to reply to questions already answered in text-prompts.
Please be advised to CAREFULLY READ ALL INFO above. Thank you!
Enroll & Access Above ↑



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