Natural Solutions

Welcome to Dr. Rima’s Digital Classroom (2024)

NATURAL SOLUTIONS is a cutting-edge, multi-faceted curriculum platform revealing the truth from renowned physician, fellow Rima E. Laibow, MD, senior faculty member of NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness. All info is on this page for her enrollment / study access protocols in red for an online Workshop (taught in English).


NOTE – Read This Section Mindfully

If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum.

If not, you need to open a free University account – first – for any tuition-purchase & access to workshops / courses.

This is easily accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form after required reading of NEU Course Info Page – Getting Started (top main-menu under Courses) 

Once you have a University account you may enroll in – and access – curriculum here. Access is linked from your account credentials. Tuition-enrolled students will click the blue access button below ↓ Always log in first via your account credentials (top main-menu: Account) Thank you for following essential protocols ~ InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at NEU.



Dear Colleague, Welcome Back

Thank you for interest to explore NATURAL SOLUTIONS


Retrieving Autistic Children
with Rima E. Laibow, MD

Scroll down to enroll & access ⇓ 


Meet Your Professor

Rima E. Laibow, MD, senior fellow and faculty member at NEU’s School of Health & Wellness

Known worldwide for decades as Dr. Rima, in 2023 your acclaimed physician and professor accepted an appointment to the NewEarth University as a senior fellow associated with its School of Health & Wellness faculty to share her vital and extensive body of life-work with Humanity.

Dr. Rima is delighted to present you with her unique and effective Natural Solutions curriculum culled from many years of research and clinical practice, starting with a powerful online workshop: Retrieving Autistic Children, which she designed for anyone to attend – whether you have an autistic child or not. Her in-depth stunning presentation offers a comprehensive historical 360-view of how autism is now present in 1 of 36 children born today. Dr. Rima speaks of the Propagandemic: from 19th century coal tar … to eugenics… to the 21st century elites of Big Pharma. UN-Learn & Learn the truth of our “public health system” and how we may start to retrieve the “deltas” of writer Huxley’s dystopian book, “Brave new World.”

Dr Rima is presently creating more seminal workshops and courses for you to be announced later in 2024 – posted here at her Natural Solutions platform, so stay-tuned. 


Why Study Natural Solutions?

Dr. Rima’s message for you …

Retrieving Autistic Children with Rima E. Laibow, MD

Watch Dr Rima’s Workshop Intro video below ⇓


What You Receive

  • Approx 3-hr Workshop (recorded)

  • Replay access in Dr. Rima’s workshop page

  • Replay not downloadable you won’t own it

  • Downloadable 110-pg e-Book by Dr. Rima: The Definitive Autism Action Plan

What You Need

  • NEU account / ability to navigate study protocols

  • Ability to download & read Dr. Rima’s eBook

  • Notepad / journal & pencil / pen, etc. to take notes / doodle as inspired

  • Computer may provide better viewing than a small phone / tablet – your choice.


  • Open enrollment (no prerequisites)

  • NEU POLICY No partial tuition or payment plans;

    • There is a non-refundable $35.00 USD Admin Fee for refund request BEFORE workshop on Zoom

    • No refund issued for workshop replay

  • Enrollment & Access Protocols

    • Log in with account credentials

    • Click – blue – enrollment button below

    • You receive NEU tuition confirmation email

    • Return here (Natural Solutions) click ⇓ access button ie, go full-circle – return to where you enrolled.

Retrieving Autistic Children with Rima E. Laibow, MD

Join Dr. Rima for this rare Workshop

Designed for ALL to Un-Learn & Learn the Truth about Autism
and much more of the Propagandemic!

Your Tuition: $100 USD


* How to Study with Dr. Rima (2-steps) *

Step 1 ENROLL Workshop ⇓

Once tuition-enrolled, receive NEU confirmation email / return here logged in from account for Step 2 ↓


Step 2 ACCESS Workshop ⇓

Workshop Page: Video replay & PDF eBook





Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University School of Health & Wellness
Dr. Rima and NEU Administration

© NewEarth University

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