Welcome to Carine Hutsebaut’s VCPAcademy / Digital Classroom (2025)
Full-spectrum curriculum in Victim & Criminal Profiling from the NewEarth University (NEU) School of Natural Law. All info is on this page with access protocols in red for an online Workshop (English only).
NOTE – Read This Section Mindfully
If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum.
If not, you need to open a free University account – first – for any tuition-purchase & access to workshops / courses.
This is easily accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form after required reading of NEU Course Info Page – Getting Started (top main-menu under Courses)
Once you have a University account you may enroll in – and access – curriculum here. Access is linked from your account credentials. Tuition-enrolled students will click the blue workshop access button below ↓ Always log in first via your account (top main-menu: Account). Thank you for following essential protocols ~ InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at NEU.
Welcome Back
NOTE: Enrollment to re-open later in ’25
Intro to Victim & Criminal Profiling Workshop
Students already enrolled scroll down to click access button ↓
ALSO Carine’s in-depth 10 Module Training Course (or each Module, pay-as-you-go) leads to Certification. Diploma requires passing an exam from her VCPA. Click to access NEU Victim & Criminal Profiling Training at her website:
Victim & Criminal Profiling Intro Workshop ↓
Time to take our world back! Meet Your Teacher
Carine Hutsebaut (based in Belgium) is an author, ITNJ Commissioner, faculty member at NEU’s School of Natural Law, and a renowned, independent therapist for victims of sexual abuse as well as child sex offenders.
She has generated a treasure trove of interviews and readings on these topics through decades of work in this arena.
Carine has been called the “Clarece Starling” of the child sex abuse / human trafficking arena (Clarece is the heroic character in the eye-opening, award-winning film, Silence of the Lambs).
Profiler Résumé
Expert at the Justice Department Brussels
Practice Placement at FBI – Quantico (U.S.A.)
Academy of Behavioral Profiling – California (U.S.A)
American University – Washington D.C. (Law & Society & Victimology) (U.S.A.)
Centre International de Sciences Criminelles – Université René Descartes Paris V.
L’école Nationale de la Magistrature (Paris)
Gracewell Institute Birmingham (U.K.)
University of Liverpool – Investigative Psychology (U.K.)
Commissioner at the ITNJ.org (Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse Commission of Inquiry (2018 – )
Why Study with Carine at NEU?
This is a unique opportunity to enter a new doorway to ultimate learning with a highly respected worldwide authority in this challenging field.
Veteran therapist and profiler Carine Hutsebaut has been passionate to expose the atrocities perpetrated against our children for more than 30 years. Train with a seasoned expert devoted to the upliftment of humanity. We must have courage now. We can no longer sweep this topic under the rug… It IS time to talk about it!
Carine Hutsebaut giving testimony to the ITNJ Bench during its 2018 Seating of The Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse at Westminster Hall, London, UK
10-Module Training in Victim & Criminal Profiling at VCPAcademy
ITNJ Commissioner Hutsebaut’s in-depth training leads to your Certification Diploma (requires passing an exam) from the Academy of Victim & Criminal Profiling Training Program (NOTE: you must be at least 21 years of age.) Link goes direct to her VCPAcademy http://timetotalkaboutit.org/product/neu-vcpa-course/
What the Training Offers You
Each Module has an intro (video) from Carine;
Each Module has a workbook downloadable as PDF;
Study one or all 10 downloadable Modules – your choice;
You have access to a very private forum created by Carine;
You have access to a unique video featuring a live therapy session (to learn how to navigate this in-depth process);
You receive a certificate upon successfully completing each Training Module.
Upon completion of an exam at the end of all 10 Modules, you receive a Diploma from VCPAcademy.
Carine is also supportive helping students to establish their own private practice (and she will refer people worldwide).
Her philosophy is that we need many skilled people doing this important work for humanity. She cannot do it alone!
Module 1: Ready to Work with Sex Offenders? Get Trained!
This is an overview of what skills are needed to work with victims and offenders
Module 2: Hurt Little Boys, Frustrated Men
This is an important workbook for men who have been damaged in childhood. It helps them recover to finally get their life back.
Module 3: Hurt Little Girls, Insecure Women
This Module is about the same as for men, but adapted to women.
Module 4: Back on Track
This is a workbook for little boys (age 6 to 12) having been abused. It’s adapted to their age; the therapist can easily go through all chapters with the child. (A workbook is also in development for little girls.)
Module 5: Who am I and Why Am I Here?
This is the first module for child sex offenders. (They happen to not really know who they are, so we start here.)
Module 6: Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion
A Workbook with tasks for the offender. Clarity for these three is important as people tend to mix them. There is a huge difference between the three feelings.
Module 7: Why Did I Do It Again?
Also for offenders. These are the ones who swore (after arrest) that they would never, ever “do it” again. But because nothing has been done with underlying problems, this is the group with the highest rate of relapse within the group of criminals, ie, 97 % without specialized treatment.
Module 8: How Can I Stop?
In this Module we teach the child sex offender how he can stop his criminal offences towards children.
Module 9: Evalution of Child Sex Offenders
This is a Module with a lot of psychological tests. (They are meant to give us an idea of how high the relapse rate can be.)
Module 10: Victims of Victims, Requiem of a Child-Killer
In this Module Carine explains the life of a gruesome child-killer in France: from the moment he’s born as an innocent little baby… to the moment he kills two little girls (age 8) and, everything in between.
For You to Study
Carine Hutsebaut recorded LIVE in NEU’s Digital Classroom
Intro to Victim & Criminal Profiling
This online 2.5 hour training stands on its own, providing a good introduction to Carine’s theory, work, guidance and effective tools for successful victim & criminal profiling used in her practice for decades. NOTE Workshop is – not – a pre-requisite for her VCPAcademy Training, yet it would help provide a very good overview to the scope of Carine’s life-work and in-depth curriculum.
Fundamentals Taught
The Facts (body of successful work behind these teachings)
The Spirit (what it means for Your Life and the lives of the Victims & Criminals and for Society)
The Practice (how do you synthesize all this info?)
Out of The Gate: “Applications” (what’s my next step?)
Helpful Q & A (learn more of Carine’s in-depth Training & Certification from VCPAcademy)
What You Received
Workshop replay access AT NEU
replay not downloadable/you won’t own it
2.5 hr presentation (English)
11 downloadable PDFs at Carine’s Workshop Page
Intro to Victim & Criminal Profiling
Would you love to be of service to humanity?
Already working in this field? Would you like to hone your skills in this arena?
Do you wish to help others?
If you have felt the clarion call to dive deep into this type of work to help the children, then this Workshop is for You!
No Pre-requisite required
NOTE for anyone OVER 21 years of age
You do not need any experience in this field to attend
NEU Policy: No refund for workshop replay
Access: Return HERE / click access ↓ below
What You Need
NEU account / ability to navigate study protocols
Ability to download PDFs
Access to a printer (option) to print PDFs
Notepad / journal and pencil, pen, etc. to take notes & doodle as you feel inspired
Intro to Victim & Criminal Profiling with Carine Hutsebaut
Your Tuition: $50.oo USD
* How to Study with Carine (2 steps) *
Step 1 ENROLL Here ↓
NOTE: Enrollment to re-open later in ’25
Upon enrollment, receive NEU confirmation email, return for Step 2
Step 2 ACCESS Workshop ↓
Workshop Page: REPLAY + PDFs
You may be someone who feels the need to take action during these challenging times
It’s time to take our beautiful world back!

Balinese Lotus Flower photo courtesy of Karen Bell
VCPA – 10-module eCourse
Life-changing training for NEU students leading to VCPA Certification/Diploma
Learn more at Carine’s Academy
Thank you for choosing to study at the School of Natural Law
Together – let US take our world back!
Carine Hutsebaut and NEU Administration