a kaleidoscopic view of neu by dr nancy ash (article)


Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD – NewEarth University Co-founding Chancellor


There is a common saying that the only constant in life is change.  A resonant perspective dwells (as two sides of a coin) inextricably bound within the universal coordinates of love and pure-truth.

That being said… there’s much ado on the event-horizon – in scope and functional design – for the NewEarth Institute has now morphed into the NewEarth University (NEU).

We are a universal city of light, naturally arising in pure-truth and love.

NewEarth University is the UN-Learning & Learning arm of the NewEarth Project. NEU is a community of astonishing women and men embodying the balance of sacred feminine and divine masculine principles. Beautiful Souls of all ages gather to share their talents and gifts for manifesting a world of Oneness, which is grounded in pure-truth and love as highest creative expressions of being human.

NewEarth University has grown organically from its energetic source-code, honoring a foundation set forth a few years ago. Aligned with the NewEarth ethos, other institutes, schools, organizations, groups and individuals have embedded already (or presently are at the gate) with precious life-changing resources, courses, and programs. We welcome conscious evolutionary – and revolutionary – collaboration in this unprecedented playground.

In useful terms, NEU is a virtual learning platform. However, it has always been envisioned for on-site campus expansion as NewEarth Communities (like NE Haven-Bali) begin to manifest.

Meanwhile, your new portal newearth.university features an ongoing virtual library providing a plethora of resources gleaned from esteemed fellows, faculty, staff, friends, family, and aligned members. We are grateful for many playing in the sand-circle, focused in their respective areas to offer complimentary change-for-the-better toolkit assets. Content from the former Institute has been transferred to the new portal. With flair in engaging aesthetic design, NewEarth Project IT Web Developer, Roman Milker created an easier navigation system. Together, we’ve fashioned in the coordinates of whole-systems harmonic cohesion, a re-calibration for bridging old, outmoded education methods with fresh, new ways of learning.

First, and foremost, NewEarth University is a community. That’s the vital key to its blossoming functionality. I’ve come to this realization after many months (nine months, actually!) of mindfully developing and implementing a restructuring awareness plan in meeting after meeting with distinguished faculty and fellows; in discussion with colleagues in NewEarth management; in conscious conversation with interested associates and friends; and, in contemplative practice… walking my labyrinth in deep-hearted meditation after meditation…

Yes, we are indeed a learning community. We are a community that engenders a new pedagogy (UN-Learning & Learning method) of this model: Teach/Learn – Learn/Teach. We all have something to learn. As a professor, I’ll say that I learn so much from my students. And, our youth of any age have much to teach us.

A fractal part of NEU’s purpose is to open-source full-spectrum breakthrough technologies by showcasing them through the ABCs of art, beauty, and consciousness to the world stage. One way to accomplish this is by providing innovative voice platforms for our wisdom-keepers. Consequently, many have been busy behind-the-scenes during the past year creating NewEarth Project TV Network. Sacha continues to host thought-provoking, cutting-edge discussions on, Face to Face with Sacha Stone. I’ve been entrusted to host Kaleidoscope, NEU’s full-spectrum educational TV show featuring conscious conversation from alchemy to zeitgeist.

We’re grateful to all in NE Media, IT and everyone with a helping hand to bring these shows to fruition, now available for your viewing pleasure on your NewEarth Project YouTube channel.

Our visionary faculty, fellows, and staff are experts in various areas of foci that comprise six NE University Schools with their associated disciplines:

  • Science & Design Innovation (Science & Technology, known as the NEST, and Design & Development, D & D)

  • Health & Wellness (Conscious Birth & Dying, and Wellness Sovereignty)

  • Natural Law (Sovereignty, and Self-Governance)

  • Socio-Economics & Ecology (Re-Sourced Economy, and Ecology & Regeneration)

  • Consciousness & Spirituality (Spirituality, and Conscious Practice)

  • The Living Arts (Learning & Education, and Sound & Music)

NEU Schools will organically evolve and flourish with articulated curriculum from the efforts and accomplishments of its community members that are devoted vanguards in these arenas of endeavor. In tandem with these advancements, through the years you’ll observe (hopefully as a participant, not a bystander) the implementation of on-site NEU campuses, replete with world-class retreats and wellness centers including research and development facilities – all a seminal part of evolving NewEarth Project Initiatives.

Sovereignty with grace moves us forward in this vast vision.

Yes, dear reader, from my kaleidoscopic view the only constants in the universe are change, pure-truth, and love.

So, it’s a stirring time of potentiated growth throughout the entire NewEarth Project; and as a formative part of it, NEU with close to 100 respected faculty, fellows, staff and affiliates worldwide, is poised for expanding multi-dimensional vistas of consciousness for a new way of being.

The mantra: Daunting but Doable!

If resonating to embed your wisdom-knowledge with us, please join the heroic journey. We welcome your talents and gifts to open-source for the world.

Please send impassioned inquiries to me at: admin@newearth.university ~ write in your subject line: NEU Inquiry

NewEarth University

UN-Learn & Learn … heal and evolve with us.

Love with Gratitude in Grace,

Dr. Nancy Ash


Originally posted 2017 @ The New Earth Oracle Magazine – Issue #3



© NewEarth University

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