Tag Archive for: International Tribunal for Natural Justice

The Sovereign Voice Magazine – Issue 1

    The Sovereign Voice is a digital Magazine supporting the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ.org) TSV is a magazine for all sovereign men & women of the world dedicated to self-empowerment and the realisation of a world freed from the tyranny of bonded slavery & corporations masquerading as governments. Watch this 30-sec clip and then download your free

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The Sovereign Voice Commemorative Book (digital)

*** Staff favorite! In tandem with NEU’s School of Natural Law, we are delighted to gift you with this beautiful Sovereign Voice Commemorative Issue featuring the ITNJ’s Seating for its Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse, Westminster Hall, London, UK, April 2018. Gratitude to all at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ.org) for creating this limited-edition printed book

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international tribunal for natural justice: the ITNJ constitution

The Treaty and Constitution of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice were signed and sealed into law in a formal Ceremonial Seating marking the Inauguration of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice on 15 June, 2015.  The momentous event was held at Westminster Hall in London, coinciding with the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta being sealed into law. The full Constitution and images of the

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international tribunal for natural justice – the ITNJ (article)

Researched, compiled and written by NEU volunteer faculty and staff at the School of Natural Law: We live in a world where government and finance has taken over every part of our lives – elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns, police use violence towards the public in the interest of “public safety,” and what we are told

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the international tribunal for natural justice – ITNJ (website)

  Visit the main website of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, known as, “The ITNJ”:  ITNJ.org Vision: A world in which the Earth is honored; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law. Mission: To apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore

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sovereignty 101 – what is sovereignty?

sovereignty – first and foremost – is a state of mind It is that state of mind, which declares yourself not to have anything above you that may influence or rule over you. Does this mean that you automatically stop paying your bills, mortgage and taxes?  Probably not, but it does mean that you adopt the agreement within yourself that

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the itnj – international tribunal for natural justice

  From the faculty at NEU’s School of Natural Law: We live in a world where government and finance has literally taken over every part of our lives – our elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns; police use violence towards the public in the interest of “public safety,” and what we are told is the justice system

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