international tribunal for natural justice: the ITNJ constitution

The Treaty and Constitution of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice were signed and sealed into law in a formal Ceremonial Seating marking the Inauguration of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice on 15 June, 2015.  The momentous event was held at Westminster Hall in London, coinciding with the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta being sealed into law.

The full Constitution and images of the signed Witnesses pages can be viewed at ITNJ Constitution

The Inaugural Board of Trustees began meeting in 2016 for the first formal review of suggestions for changes and amendments to the ITNJ Constitution.  The results of that constitutional review process are published here.  The Constitution of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice is a living document, and further amendments will be considered by the ITNJ Board of Trustees on an annual basis.

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