the itnj – international tribunal for natural justice


From the faculty at NEU’s School of Natural Law:

We live in a world where government and finance has literally taken over every part of our lives – our elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns; police use violence towards the public in the interest of “public safety,” and what we are told is the justice system has become so corrupt it refuses to follow its own rules… the time has come to ask ourselves one critical question:

“If I ignore the warning signs and don’t do what I can to fix these problems now…what kind of world am I leaving to my children and grandchildren?”

In answer to the aforementioned question: Each individual is now driven by a great passion to restore balance and equilibrium to human society by holding the corrupt accountable for their actions.

The unprecedented International Tribunal for Natural Justice (known as the ITNJ) operates in harmony with natural law – its forum is public, its rules of operation are transparent.  Judges and court personnel are dedicated volunteers from all walks of life, from all corners of the world.


The ITNJ was birthed and continues to flourish through the service of many dedicated individuals.

Spearheaded by the Humanitad Foundation ( with underpinning support from the Committee to Support the ITNJ and the NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law, a global group of volunteer researchers, lawyers, former government employees, business people, retired people, parents, grandparents, daughters and sons stand together in solidarity for this worldwide court – for the people and by the people.

Please visit the ITNJ website and support this groundbreaking initiative by ratifying the Treaty of the ITNJ.

© NewEarth University

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