Tag Archive for: newearth

Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation by Dave Emery

  Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation. Earth’s New Pathway into Light. Humanity’s Hidden Heart of Ascension. By Dave Emery, Fellow at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality    In every moment now many Angelic humans are expanding their awareness of who they are and of their special collective – and personal – purpose here on Earth. We

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What are NewEarth Initiatives?

  We must all step up now to initiate and embody an unfolding of events that benefit and elevate humanity beyond slavery and into the supra-beautification of organic existence in resonance with one another. Our individual attributes and expressions of creativity must reign freely within the human ecosystem as we initiate humanity into sovereignty. Those who have controlled humanity have

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NewEarth University (NEU)

The NewEarth University (NEU) synergizes ancient wisdom with full-spectrum breakthrough technologies and innovations from leading experts in their field. Together we are manifesting an authentic wisdom-base that alchemizes easily into the coming Golden Age. We embody an online new-paradigm learning environ of the NewEarth Horizon, NewEarth Project and greater NewEarth movement and are accessible to a worldwide collaborative community for

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humanitad foundation – ushering a new era of truth

  Humanitad is dedicated to inspiring tolerance and goodwill between people of all nations and faiths.  It is committed to ushering in a new era of truth, transparency and right-mindedness whilst inspiring growth in the spiritual framework within which we function as a species.   Humanitad is about people and the intelligent inquiry into the diverse elements which unite us

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