Tag Archive for: natural law

natural law resources: a sovereignty mind-set

  This brief natural law article, A Sovereignty Mind-Set was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty and staff volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources.   Possessing the correct mind-set is fundamental to the success of implementing any sovereignty ‘strategy.’ If one harbors the opinion that person(s) / agent(s) / actor(s)

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new earth nation

new earth nation is a fellowship of sovereign nations and micro-nations founded in recognition of the primacy of consciousness, the unity of all life and the undeniability of the individual sovereign condition new earth nation is the jewel in the school of natural law’s crown It is an open invitation to every member of the human family to transition away

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the itnj – international tribunal for natural justice

  From the faculty at NEU’s School of Natural Law: We live in a world where government and finance has literally taken over every part of our lives – our elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns; police use violence towards the public in the interest of “public safety,” and what we are told is the justice system

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resource for being sovereign – embodying absolute sovereignty

  Researched, collated and written by NEU’s School of Natural Law faculty and associated fellows: The moment one values the realization of their inherent sovereignty – more than they value their own self-indulgence, personal attachments and self-preservation – then, absolute sovereignty is theirs. The simplest way to realize absolute sovereignty is to apply the spiritual truths that one has already

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effective self-inquiry as an art leading to sovereignty

  This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources.   Questions: Who Am I … What Am I? Self-inquiry is commonly understood as a process by which one may discover the answer to the questions of: Who am I? or… What am

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sovereign trust framework (article)

a proactive step to sovereignty Establishing a sovereign trust framework is a proactive step which anyone can take—now—before situations arise, to make provision for a more sovereign existence.  It does not relieve the need to exercise one’s inherent sovereign rights; rather it provides a framework in which inherent sovereign rights may be more easily exercised. Trusts have been used for

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micro-nation tutorials natural law resource

  This resource was researched, compiled and written by volunteer faculty and staff at NEU’s School of Natural Law: six steps to claiming a territory You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life in service of our dear planet earth – this is the cutting-edge of sovereign expression and consciousness in action. This

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three key components to constitutional design (natural law resource)

  This resource was researched, compiled and written by faculty and staff volunteers at NEU’s School of Natural Law: three key components to constitutional design A good national constitution usually has three key components: A constitution of nature – the foundation of Natural Law upon which the rest of the Constitution is built, ensuring that the nation itself is a

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