micro-nation tutorials natural law resource


This resource was researched, compiled and written by volunteer faculty and staff at NEU’s School of Natural Law:

six steps to claiming a territory

You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life in service of our dear planet earth – this is the cutting-edge of sovereign expression and consciousness in action.

This process is intended for individuals and family groups.  If you are a larger community group, tribe or nation secession will likely take a different form.

Follow these six (6) simple steps to establish your land as a Sovereign Territory of New Earth Nation:

  1. Make a Private Pure Trust Declaration and file at your local records office. Obtain a certified copy of the record containing the record office stamp/seal.
  2. Make a Claim of Right and file at your local records office. Obtain a certified copy of the record containing the record office stamp/seal.
  3. Give Public Notice of your Claim in the national gazette.This is Public Notice that the land formerly known as [address], the boundaries of which are identified under TITLE No. [enter title no.] at [enter name of registry] is the subject of a Claim of Right by Sovereign [first middle name].Interested or affected parties should make enquiries at [address, different to above]
  4. Cancel registration of land.
  5. Make a Record of Establishment of a Sovereign Territory of New Earth Nation and send to the former presumed holder of territorial rights.
  6. You may join us at the NewEarth Project.

pure trust declaration

Pure Trust Declaration

territorial claim of right

Territorial Claim of Right

public notice of claim of right

This is Public Notice that the land formerly known as [address], the boundaries of which are identified under TITLE No. [enter title no.] at [enter name of registry] is the subject of a Claim of Right by Sovereign [first middle name].

interested or affected parties should make enquiries at [address, different to above]

notice of cancellation of land registration



For the attention of the Senior LAND REGISTRAR



Notice of Cancellation of Land Registration

Dear Sir/Madame,

Take Notice that I, [first middle name], having a perfected claim to all right, title and interest in the lands identified under REGISTERED TITLE NO. [insert title no.], see [name of national gazette, date of issue of publication of Claim], do hereby cancel the REGISTRATION of the said lands effective immediately.

Please amend your records accordingly to ensure that former interested parties do not mistakenly undermine my rights in the said lands.



[First, middle name]

  1. REGISTRAR GENERAL [or equivalent office in your country]

[Officer & office responsible for Local Land/Property Tax/duty]

record of establishment of sovereign lands

Record of Establishment of Sovereign Lands

So you’ve established a Sovereign Territory of New Earth Nation – Kudos!  Now that you’ve finished the process it’s time to shout it to the world.  Together we stand!

© NewEarth University

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