NEU's School of Natural Law is delighted to announce that Bibi Bacchus has recently joined its faculty as a senior advisor teaching Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
School News
NEW! Free course: Human Attachment Project
NEU’s School of Health & Wellness is delighted to announce that faculty, Suzanne Arms offers you a 6-part Complimentary Course, The Human Attachment Project (Phase 1 – Birthing the Future Master Class, a 6-part video series) is gifted by renowned author and visionary Suzanne Arms, a conscious birth pioneer on the faculty of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness
NEU Robust Presence at the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry, London, UK
NewEarth University News, May 2018: They journeyed far and wide to the UK from four continents: Australia, South America, North America and Asia ...
NEU Fellow Announcement: Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal
NewEarth University's School of Consciousness & Spirituality is honored to announce that former Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal has accepted the invitation to collaborate as an esteemed NEU Fellow focused on leading a Truth & Reconciliation Commission with the ITNJ's Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.
New Faculty: School of Consciousness & Spirituality
NEU's School of Consciousness & Spirituality is delighted to announce that Dean G Allen, PhD has recently joined its faculty. As an integral part of our sovereign movement to manifest a new earth, Dr. Dean is devoted to raising consciousness
C & S Faculty Announcement
The School of Consciousness & Spirituality is pleased to announce that Lee Davy, currently based in Canada, has recently joined as a member of the NewEarth University faculty.
In Memorium: Faculty Tim Butts
It is with great sadness to announce that one of our beloved faculty, Tim Butts of the School of Science & Design Innovation - discipline NEST (Science & Technology) passed away from this plane in 2017. He was 56.
Dr Margret Rueffler in New Mexico
2017 News: During the auspicious Winter Solstice of 2017, NEU faculty senior advisor Margret Rueffler, PhD met with NEU Chancellor, Dr. Nancy Ash in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico. Margret traveled from her Bali, Indonesian home at Jiwa Damai permaculture gardens center to visit America and spend some wonderful quality time with Nancy. They shared in-depth conscious conversations with common
Fellow Announcement: NEU School of Science & Design Innovation
NewEarth University's School of Science & Design Innovation is delighted to announce that Thomas Joseph Brown has accepted the invitation to collaborate as a distinguished Fellow focused in the area of the Spiritual Sciences.
NEW! Online Free Agnihotra Mini-Course: Arks of Fire by Dr. Ann Ralles
NewEarth University faculty member, Dr. Ann Ralles offers you a complimentary mini-course, Arks of Fire, through NEU's School of Socio-Economics & Ecology - discipline of Ecology & Regeneration.
Faculty Announcements: School of The Living Arts
In association with the Learning & Education discipline of NEU's School of The Living Arts, we are delighted to announce these new faculty in 2017...
Faculty Announcements: School of Science & Design Innovation
In association with the NEST discipline (New Earth Science & Technology) of the School of Science & Design Innovation, we are delighted to announce these new faculty: Don Paris, PhD (h.c.) is a longtime friend to the NewEarth Project based in the USA and Bali. World renown for his groundbreaking radionics research and the Chi-O, Dr. Don Paris has joined
Faculty Announcement: Schools of Socio-Economics & Ecology, and Consciousness & Spirituality
In Association with two NEU Schools, Socio-Economics & Ecology, and Consciousness & Spirituality we are delighted to announce that Margret Rueffler, PhD residing in Bali at NewEarth’s affiliate Jiwai Damai center (that she founded and directs) has recently joined our distinguished faculty as a Senior Advisor. Dr. Margret is passionately focused on expanding her seminal message of HeartSelf Intelligence work
Faculty Announcement: School of Science & Design Innovation
The Design and Development (D & D) discipline of the School of Science & Design Innovation is delighted to announce: Mayank Barjatya, MS of Pune, India, has recently joined our distinguished faculty passionately focused on the field of building biology and human energetics. With an extensive background that combines the structure of architecture with the scientific and esoteric aspects
Faculty Symposium Talks in Bali, Indonesia
Longtime friend to the NewEarth Project and faculty member, Juan Schlosser, (photo, right) chief designer of the Design & Development discipline in the School of Science and Design Innovation; and, Thomas Joseph Brown, (photo, center) senior science advisor in the discipline NEST: NE Science & Technology; as well as NEST faculty, Don Paris, PhD (h.c.); and Dr. Nancy Ash, (photo,