Faculty Announcement from the School of Natural Law

NEU’s School of Natural Law is delighted to announce that Bibi Bacchus has recently joined its faculty as a senior advisor teaching Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).  As an integral part of our sovereign movement to manifest a new earth, Bibi is devoted to help people learn about the complex trappings of contract law.  Now 72 years-young, she shares a lifetime of hands-on expertise by teaching about the UCC – we are honored to be in her company.



Bibi is based in the UK, initially a nurse by profession in good standing since 1970.  She never drank alcohol or smoked in her entire life; and never had any problems with the law – not even a speeding ticket!

In the 1980s when she lived in the USA as a very successful realtor (also in good standing) she was falsely accused of laundering money, set-up by corrupt officials: an IRS agent and a local detective.

Astonishingly, this innocent woman was sentenced to prison for 8 years.

Every day of Bibi’s wrongful incarceration, she vowed to learn how this could happen to her – and to other innocents framed through “the Code.”  Subsequently she passionately studied the law (every day) in prison until her release after serving 7 years and two months.  Now this heroic, seasoned woman of strength and grace teaches those willing to learn the “truth of their Strawman.”

In her own words, “It is quite amazing what fraud is being done to billions of people all over the world.”

Bibi Bacchus brings her unique, heart-wrenching experience to NewEarth University helping to transform peoples lives.  She is presently developing an online workshop and on-site programs and courses while mentoring students to navigate the murky waters of the complicated UCC and its military courts.  (For serious inquiries, send an email to: contact@newearth.university – attn: University Chancellor)

Best wishes to this extraordinary and brave wisdom-keeper, wishing her many years of collaboration through unique contributions in: research, e-courses, on-site programs, and life-enhancing library toolkit resources.

May these activities bring great benefit to all sentient beings.



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