Dr Margret Rueffler in New Mexico

2017 News:

During the auspicious Winter Solstice of 2017, NEU faculty senior advisor Margret Rueffler, PhD met with NEU Chancellor, Dr. Nancy Ash in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Margret traveled from her Bali, Indonesian home at Jiwa Damai permaculture gardens center to visit America and spend some wonderful quality time with Nancy. They shared in-depth conscious conversations with common perspectives and planned future collaborations for course curriculum at NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality.

An ardent researcher and international seminar facilitator, Margret is presently putting the finishing touches on her online course, Heart-Self Intelligence, which is written in German.  Then she’s translating it all into English for students in early 2018.  Dr. Rueffler is the founder of the Lagu Damai Foundation in Bali and the aforementioned, Jiwa Damai.

With cobalt blue skies above the Land of Enchantment, Nancy and Margret accomplished a great deal in quantum conversations sprinkled with a few hearty laughs. To learn more about these inspiring ladies championing new-paradigm learning, explore the NewEarth University


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