NEU Fellow Announcement: Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal


NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality is honored to announce that former Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal has accepted the invitation to collaborate as an esteemed NEU Fellow focused on leading a Truth & Reconciliation Commission with the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.

Riah Abu El-Assal is a longtime friend and advocate for the NewEarth Project bringing his passionate message of peace to the world.  Based in Jerusalem, Israel, he considers himself a refugee, father, husband, politician, deacon, priest, archdeacon, canon, ecumenist, inter-faith activist and the 13th Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Judicial Commissioner, Bishop Riah (R) with Chief Justice Sir John Walsh and Judge Chris Cleverly (L) during the ITNJ’s Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse


Also an author, Bishop Riah wrote Caught In Between, a book translated into a number of languages; and he also contributed to: Walking the Red Line; How Long O Lord; Faith and The Intifada; Judaism or Zionism; and, Christians in the Holy Land.

On the Quest for Truth panelists, Dartington Hall, UK, 2018

Bishop Riah & Sacha Stone, Dartington Hall, UK, 2018










His constant search for new avenues for peace was exemplified in his visit to Chairman Yasser Arafat in Tunis, where he convinced him to bring six Israeli Jewish and six Palestinian musicians together in Vienna to compose a hymn of peace.  Upon his return home he was put under country arrest for nearly four years.  His voice was not silenced, however, as he continued to struggle for justice and peace for both the Jewish Israeli and the Palestinian people.  His vision has always been that Palestinian and Jew could live and work together.  One may easily say that his dedication to inter-faith dialogue and relations is paramount to a better world.

The wisdom-knowledge shared by Bishop Riah at the NewEarth University is helping to create major unprecedented shifts and transformation on the planet.

NEU Chancellor, Rev Dr Nancy Ash & His Grace (London, 2018)


As an astonishing exemplar – with many decades of outstanding service to bring justice and peace to the world – we are thrilled to recognize Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal as an esteemed colleague and honored Fellow of the NewEarth University.

To learn more about his distinguished life of service, read BIO HERE






~ Welcome Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal ~

© NewEarth University

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