New Faculty: School of Consciousness & Spirituality

NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality is delighted to announce that Dean G Allen, PhD has recently joined its faculty.  As an integral part of our sovereign movement to manifest a new earth, Dr. Dean is devoted to raising consciousness – we are honored to be in his company (cross-pollinating his research and curriculum within the School of Health & Wellness, and School of Science & Design Innovation).



Dr. Allen, based in the USA, holds a PhD in clinical psychology with dissertation research on “Autonomic Nervous System Control as a Function of Imagery” using biofeedback.  He taught a university course on “The Psychology of Consciousness” and facilitated several years of biofeedback therapy before he was introduced to an infrared science that Measures, Tracks and Decodes an individual’s organ/gland Life-force energy flow patterns programming their specific physical diseases, emotional dysfunctions, and mental thinking patterns (programmed by their trauma memories).

Dean brings 30 years of this experience to NEU helping to transform peoples lives.  He has used this science with thousands of clients and is now preparing to utilize these advanced insights to create a unique Conscious Health Plan.

Best wishes to this extraordinary wisdom-keeper, wishing him many years of collaboration through unique contributions in: research, e-courses, on-site programs, and life-enhancing library toolkit resources.


May these activities bring great benefit to all sentient beings.

© NewEarth University

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