Longtime friend to the NewEarth Project and faculty member, Juan Schlosser, (photo, right) chief designer of the Design & Development discipline in the School of Science and Design Innovation; and, Thomas Joseph Brown, (photo, center) senior science advisor in the discipline NEST: NE Science & Technology; as well as NEST faculty, Don Paris, PhD (h.c.); and Dr. Nancy Ash, (photo, left) attended the Ancient Futures Festival in Bali, April, 2017.
Thomas J Brown presented two key Symposium talks, Paradigm Metamorphosis, and Envisioning the ArcheoCosmos. He is a legend in the alternative sciences arena for many years and is presently developing a unique course on the spiritual sciences and metaphysics, within new paradigm learning. Tom is also one of NewEarth University’s mentors.
Don Paris, PhD (h.c.) gave a Symposium talk, Scalar Energy & Health on the Festival day that honored the element of “water.”
His work is renowned in radionics and scalar technology with development of the CHI~O (fractal coherent energy field organizer, a bio-friendly frequency generator);
Don also participated in a panel discussion, Absolution.

Don Paris, PhD (h.c.) is all smiles in white donning the CHI-O next to Sacha Stone, the panel chair

Tom Brown and Nancy Ash in Bali, Indonesia, 2017
NewEarth University’s worldwide director, Dr. Nancy Ash, also attended the Festival’s Symposium giving a talk entitled, ABCs of the NewEarth University: Altruistically Building Community; and she participated in a panel discussion celebrating the creative element of “air” … UN-learning (recalibrating education) in the new paradigm.
Change was in the air!
Read this article about the NewEarth Ancient Futures Festival in The Jakarta Post: http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/04/27/ancient-futures-festival-gives-bali-food-for-thought.html