Filmed at the 2nd “Lawful Rebellion” Conference in London on the 13th of June 2009 by
Tag Archive for: statutes
it’s an illusion 2 – john harris, video collection (3/9)
natural-person non-profit law education website
Natural Person is a non-profit website educating Canadians and Americans about the difference between human-beings, natural-persons and artificial-persons. It explains how the government created your new identity and how you can reclaim your unalienable rights.
the lawful remedy to tyranny by richard walbaum (book summary)
Main Points of this natural law book, The Lawful Remedy to Tyranny: How You Lost Your Rights, and How You Can Get Them Back: Our Government was based upon a long tradition of natural law and the presumption of liberty in which all laws are tailored for minimal infringement upon liberties. In the 1930s, the Supreme Court changed the
unkommonlaw by karl lentz – law resources
Karl Lentz: Bringing Law to the People Karl Lentz’s child was taken away from him by the state (in the USA) for having Down’s syndrome! He decided to learn the Law for himself as clearly the lawyers couldn’t help. Karl learned how to get a court of record and to move the court. He realized his child was classed as
law articles / common law – the law of the land
There is a common misconception that Common Law relates purely to harm, loss or injury caused by and between wo/men. Common law is the ‘Law of the Land’ (land in this instance relating to the territory of the sovereign), and has evolved over time as a system of accepting and deciding cases based on principles of law which have been
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