Tag Archive for: Magda Freedom Rod

Dr Nancy Ash: Education for a New Paradigm (podcast)

  Photo of NEU co-founders: Rev Dr Nancy Ash and Sacha Stone in Sedona, Arizona – courtesy of J Ash, 2017   Magda Freedom Rod is host of The Visionary Lifestyle podcast. In this interview Magda and her guest, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash sit down together under a beautiful tree surrounded by lush green rice patties of the NewEarth Haven

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Sacred Earth Medicine

  Jules Bright and Magda Freedom Rod meet for the first time in 2017 at the inaugural NE Ancient Futures Festival in Indonesia, at NewEarth-Haven on the island of Bali. Magda’s podcast is The Visionary Lifestyle. Tune-in here to a conversation focused on the life experiences of Apothecarian, Jules Bright speaking of Sacred Earth Medicine (#S4 3) season 4, episode

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5 Ways to Add Kale to Your Diet

This resource was written and shared to the NEU library by Magda Freedom Rod. We thank Magda for her kindness and generosity.   Kale is known to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth. The more of it you can get into your body, the better. It contains numerous health-benefiting phytochemicals, anti-oxidant properties, and it is anti-inflammatory. Regular consumption of kale is said to help lower cholesterol as well as prevent several forms of cancer. Kale is

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How Many Omega 3s & 6s are Healthy?

  How Many Omega-3s & 6s are Healthy? Written and shared to the NEU library by Magda Freedom Rod. Gratitude for her kindness and generosity.   Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have opposing functions; yet, both improve health when they are consumed in the appropriate balance. The ratio of these two fatty acids proves fundamental to their health benefits. Omega-3 and

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