Tag Archive for: IBCP

Integrated Biodiversity Conservation Plan (IBCP) – Adverse Impacts

  With a whole-systems assessment of all undertakings, faculty members of the Ecology & Regeneration discipline at NewEarth University’s School of Socio-Economics & Ecology, have endeavored to consider each element within a given environment, and thus orient construction towards solutions accordant with regeneration, symbiosis and ecological reverence. (Feature photo, Morning on the Rio Grande, courtesy of Dr Ash from her

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integrated biodiversity conservation plan

new earth communities are planetary exemplars of harmonious, peaceful, and joyful coexistence between conscious human beings and the natural kingdoms; a global model for stewardship where communities satisfy both human needs and those of indigenous flora and fauna a new earth conservation vision New Earth locations are recognized as true Earth Sanctuaries where the rich biodiversity of the world is

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ibcp notes

integrated biodiversity conservation plan (ibcp) NEU’s IBCP is designed to enrich and restore natural environments that foster human and planetary well-being.  It plants the seeds required for a new world to rise, where people of the world connect back to nature. Integrated Biodiversity Conservation Plan (IBCP) provides the foundation and necessary means for a conscious humanity to take back its

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ibcg glossary

glossary of integrated biodiversity conservation plan Adaptative Management “… systematic acquisition and application of reliable information to improve natural resource management over time.. This approach can establish cause-and-effect relationships and point the way toward optimal strategies. Adaptive management has been promoted as essential to management under uncertainty.” (Wilhere, 2002). Biodiversity “…the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter

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