Tag Archive for: dr. nancy ash

NEU by Co-founding Chancellor, Dr Nancy Ash

  The NewEarth University (NEU): “It is fruitless to spend your energy fighting against the old broken systems of education. We must embrace the antiquated infrastructure to transform and transmute it with love into the harmonic heart of REAL education. First we UN-learn and then learn the pure truth while adapting to a fresh environment – a sanctuary. So… we

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Generosity: the 1st Paramita & Sky Meditation by Dr Nancy Ash

  This resource is a brief article by NEU Co-founding Chancellor, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash (reprinted from the NewEarth Blog in 2019) that discusses the first paramita of generosity with basic instructions for a healthy Sky Meditation, as taught in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition. Professor Ash has been a longtime student of Dzogchen in the Nyingma Lineage, and has taught

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examples of holistic education models (article)

  This 2015 article by Jennifer Miller, 5 Holistic Educational Philosophies to Inspire Your Child, offers a 360-view of Holistic Education methods for parents interested in giving their child an education that goes beyond academics.  To read the article (with additional resources) click here: https://www.noodle.com/articles/the-philosophies-behind-a-holistic-approach-to-education Submitted by Dr. Nancy Ash, NewEarth University’s faculty, School of The Living Arts, Learning &

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a kaleidoscopic view of neu by dr nancy ash (article)

  Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD – NewEarth University Co-founding Chancellor   There is a common saying that the only constant in life is change.  A resonant perspective dwells (as two sides of a coin) inextricably bound within the universal coordinates of love and pure-truth. That being said… there’s much ado on the event-horizon – in scope and

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Cease the CERN by Dr Nancy Ash, NEU Chancellor & Co-founder (poem)

  Composed by NewEarth University Chancellor & Co-founder, Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD, this poem entitled, Cease the CERN, was born in the middle of a windy dark night around 3am during a September-to-Remember, 2015. Roused to a humble golden pen… giant powers of grace streamed-in as gamma photonic wave-X forces of light shimmered through her 12-strand DNA like the sparkling

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