Tag Archive for: Dave Emery

The Thunder of Truth Hidden Behind The Hurricane of History

  The Thunder of Truth Hidden Behind The Hurricane of History by Dave Emery   An ocean of gratitude to Dave Emery – your NEU fellow at the School of Consciousness & Spirituality – for gifting us with this resource. Check out Dave’s REAL History online Workshop (recorded replay) https://newearth.university/courses/real-history/ Approaching Storm ~ photo courtesy of Rev Dr Ash from her private

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Cosmic Consciousness by Dave Emery (Lazarus Initiative)

  An ocean of gratitude to Dave Emery, your NEU fellow at the School of Consciousness & Spirituality, for gifting us with these writings: “Time” and The “Ages” of Cosmic Consciousness Click 5-pg PDF below: Dave Emery_Lazarus Symposium 2024_Time and The Ages of Cosmic Consciousness.docx Shared at the 15 January 2024 Lazarus Initiative (special event): Beyond the Kali Yuga | Countdown

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Cosmological History: Or How We Got to Be – Here – Now!

  Cosmological History: Or How We Got to Be – Here – Now! By Dave Emery   Note: This is a 954 BILLION year history of OUR Time-Matrix Creation, reduced into a series of very brief bullet-points for ease of reading and consideration. EVERYTHING here relates to and points at – HERE and NOW – in these ‘end-times’ (so-called) because

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Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation by Dave Emery

  Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation. Earth’s New Pathway into Light. Humanity’s Hidden Heart of Ascension. By Dave Emery, Fellow at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality    In every moment now many Angelic humans are expanding their awareness of who they are and of their special collective – and personal – purpose here on Earth. We

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