Tag Archive for: spirituality

The “Michael Prophecy” by Dr. Robert Gilbert

  The “Michael Prophecy”: Who We Are and Why We Are Here by Dr. Robert Gilbert, PhD This article, excerpted from the online course: Spiritual Empowerment, reveals one of the great secrets of the Rosicrucian tradition: That we are living in the time of the Greatest Mass Incarnation of Spiritual Initiates in Human History. To learn more about longtime NEU

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michael harner – foundation for shamanic studies (website)

  This resource is a website, The Foundation For Shamanic Studies, a nonprofit public 501(C)(3) charitable and educational organization from shamans, Michael and Sandra Harner with teachings to inspire one’s union with the entire cosmos.  Dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants. (Home of My Ancestors Photo by

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international society for academic research on shamanism (isars)

Shaman – Journal of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism The journal Shaman, launched by Molnár & Kelemen Oriental Publishers in 1993, is approved as the official publication of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism. Shaman (ISSN 1216-7827) is a annual journal (192 pages per volume) of a strictly academic nature, publishing original articles written in

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gregg braden – divine matrix – emotions change dna

Gregg Braden talks about how our emotions can affect our physical world.  His extensive knowledge of ancient texts, coupled with his background in hard sciences, uniquely qualifies him to bring the benefit of long-lost traditions to the forefront of our lives today.  He is also a leading authority on...

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spiritual economics by dhanesvara das

  “Lessons in Spiritual Economics from the Bhagavad-gita” is a cross-disciplinary study combining psychology, economics and the spiritual science of the Vedas to explain why there is vulture capitalism, cut-throat competition, unending economic hardship, exploitation, inequity, and struggle in this world. Spiritual Economics explains why present economic methods can do nothing to solve these problems, reveals the actual source of

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spirit science (website)

  Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of spiritual and scientific ideas. This website may inspire you to explore these topics further: Note link takes you out of the NewEarth University site:  Spirit Science (Caveat: this website may be outdated) (Feature Photo of NEU’s spiritual science researcher, Tom Brown and Dr. Nancy Ash, host of Kaleidoscope)

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Eckhart Tolle – Spiritual Awakening

  Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher to millions around the globe, considered by many as an enlightened being. Center to his inner inquiry is the eternal divine moment in time called, “now”. Place this URL into your browser to access teachings/articles at his website:  https://eckharttolle.com/read/ You may wish to watch some lectures on his YouTube channel, simply place this

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the kybalion: classic spiritual book of ancient hermetic philosophy

  Four your inspiration and study, this site is devoted to The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates.  It has all 7 Chapters accessed, and there are also Adverts for a PDF download free for this profound, classic spiritual book. Follow the prompts as instructed. The website IS Copyrighted.  http://www.kybalion.org/ (Ancient

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list of 150 free films & documentaries to expand consciousness

  LIBRARY FAVORITE!  From Joe Martino at Collective Evolution (2016), a list of 150 documentaries from a to z… including Apologies of An Economic Hitman, Home, Thrive, Zeitgeist, The Awakening, The World According to Monsanto, etc. An ocean of gratitude to all way-showers of a new earth: writers, artists, filmmakers, producers, actors, Joe, et al. for sharing precious resources collated

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sadhana article by rabindranath tagore (website)

  Link takes you to The Literature Network website, into an article by Rabindranath Tagore from a series, entitled: Sadhana: The Realization of Life: Relation of the Individual to the Universe  http://www.online-literature.com/tagore-rabindranath/sadhana/1/  Caveat, this site has a lot of cheesy advertising. (Mountain Hike Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection.)

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spirit-body-mind – ten key insights

ten key insights about the human body Insight #1: The human body is electro-magnetic by nature, sustained by Source energy (sometimes called, life-force, Qi, prana or primal fire). A healthy body utilizes life-force abundantly through all its systems. In contrast, a diseased body has developed blockages that prevent the utilization of one’s life-force. Symptoms or feeling ‘dis-ease’ will reflect the degree

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