Tag Archive for: micro-nation

principality of hutt river case study (micro-nation resource)

  The Principality of Hutt River Seceded from the Western Australian Government in 1970.  To this day it is one of the most successful micro-nation experiments of all time.  Whether you resonate with their constitutional principles is neither here nor there – they did it – they successfully seceded from the Western Australian Government, and 48 years later are a

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Self-Governance Resource – Claiming Sovereign Territory Process

  Process for Claiming a Sovereign Territory Researched, compiled and written by faculty members at the NEU School of Natural Law – discipline of Self-Governance.     Dear Reader, If you so choose to… You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life experience in service of this beloved planet earth: the cutting-edge of sovereign-expression

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micro-nation tutorials natural law resource

  This resource was researched, compiled and written by volunteer faculty and staff at NEU’s School of Natural Law: six steps to claiming a territory You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life in service of our dear planet earth – this is the cutting-edge of sovereign expression and consciousness in action. This

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Creating Your Micro-Nation Constitution

  Researched, compiled and written by faculty and staff of NEU’s School of Natural Law.   Creating a Constitution Depending on the size of your group will define the process you engage in creating your constitution. Never forgetting that it is the people of the nation themselves who the constitution belongs to and thus it is they who ought to

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