Tag Archive for: health articles

How to Detox & Balance Your Microbiome Consciously

  How does our self-awareness and self-love affect our microbiome? Aha! That’s the BIG question. In this fast-changing world, we need a smart, multi-dimensional approach to health. Your microbiome is the root of your immune system. It rules your digestion, and therefore your nourishment. That means this tiny environment of bugs effectively determines our health and future happiness! Wow! A

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Optimal Detoxing With George Yu, MD (article)

  Written by E Cragg   One of the most efficient ways to undergo a thorough detox of the body is to make use of an infrared sauna. This type of sauna heats you literally from the inside out (it basically cooks you slowly!!) and will help you get rid of the stored up toxins very efficiently (and as a

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homeopathic remedies: how to take and store them (article)

how to take and store your homeopathic remedy by Dr. Jayne Marquis, NEU School of Health & Wellness faculty               The following is a guideline of how to take and store a homeopathic medicine: Take 2-3 pellets 20 minutes away from eating, drinking coffee, or brushing teeth. (Water, can be taken at any time.)

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conscious practice with a purpose of self-realization (article)

  Researched, compiled and written by faculty members and staff at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality   Conscious Practices for a New You Some practitioners new to the heroic journey of self-realization may wonder whether their various practices – such as Deep Conscious Breathing, Self-Talk, Contemplation, Meditation, etc. – can really make a profound difference in their lives. Our individual

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alchemical cooking (article)

Mystery school-university of quantum dynamics topic: alchemical cooking The material in this resource is intended to serve as a practical guide for preparing your own menus using the principles of alchemy. For the alchemical cook, the ideal meal is a balanced blend of universal forces, each contributing its own unique signature to the menu.  Alchemists referred to these basic archetypal

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