Tag Archive for: democracy

homo sacer: sovereign power & bare life by giorgio agamben (pdf)

  The most influential dimension of Agamben’s work in recent years has been his contributions to political theory, a contribution that springs directly from his engagements in metaphysics and the philosophy of language.  Undoubtedly, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life is Agamben’s best-known work, and probably also the most controversial.  We are most grateful for the access to this work. 

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necessary illusions by noam chomsky (ebook)

  Necessary Illusions is written by longtime ITNJ supporter and luminary, Noam Chomsky.  A downloadable book concerned with thought control, as conducted through the agency of the national media and related elements of the elite intellectual culture. NOTE: link takes you out of the NEU site:  Necessary Illusions Gratitude to the author and the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building

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russell brand on revolution

For years Russell Brand has been one of Britain’s most popular comedians, but recently he has also emerged as a leading voice of Britain’s political left. He has taken part in anti-austerity protests, spoken at Occupy Wall Street protests and marched with the hacker collective Anonymous. A recovering addict...

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aldous huxley on drugs, democracy & religion (article)

  This resource is an article (from brain pickings website) by Maria Popova, entitled, Aldous Huxley on Drugs, Democracy, and Religion.  Huxley was an English 20th Century philosopher and prolific author of close to 5o books, best known for his epic, Brave New World and also, Doors of Perception. (Sunset Photo courtesy of Connie Broussard.)

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End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke (PDF)

  From author Jeremy Locke: Never in all of history have the elements been arrayed against the evil manifest in tyranny and slavery as they are today. This 97-page book (2005) teaches just one lesson: You have infinite worth. Gratitude to the author for availing this publication for educational and research use only:  The End of All Evil PDF Book

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