Tag Archive for: conscious conception

birth without boundaries from linda hamilton

  Linda Hamilton is a longtime NewEarth community supporter in Costa Rica who consults with individuals and families; and facilitates seminars / workshops devoted to deepening our understanding of life’s beginning: conscious birth … and then lighting our way to the end: conscious dying. Her website is: Birth Without Boundaries

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ten golden rules for future parents (book)

10 Golden Rules for Future Parents, now available in several languages, was generously submitted to our Library in 2018 by NewEarth University Fellow, Laura Uplinger; Conscious Conception & Prenatal Life Pioneer, School of Health and Wellness in its discipline of Conscious Birth & Dying. OMAEP, the World Organization of Prenatal Education Associations, is honored to present its Ten Golden Rules

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conscious conception & birth resource – argentina

  Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying.  A paradigm of Conscious Conception is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth.  This is one of many resources from the H & W School, a portal about this work in

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conscious birthing resource – birth into being

  Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Birthing is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth.  This is one of many educational resources suggested by the H & W team, a portal about Conscious

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conscious conception – world congress in chile

  This Spanish website features resources on Conscious Conception/Birthing Congress submitted by faculty volunteers of NEU’s Health & Wellness School.  This link will take you out of the NEU site: www.udec.cl/serynacer  (There is a convenient option for English transaltion.)

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conscious birthing resource – brazil

  Faculty of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying.  A paradigm of Conscious Birthing is paramount to new ways of being.  This is one of many resources submitted by H & W, a portal (in Portuguese) about this work in Brazil: www.rehuna.org.br

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prenatal education – french and english

  O.M.A.E.P. is a world organization for Prenatal Education (NOTE: link takes you out of the NEU site):  www.omaep.com NGO comprehensive website in French (and also English translations).  Submitted by faculty volunteers at NEU’s School of Health & Wellness.

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creative parenting

  Creative parenting resource portal submitted by faculty volunteers at the School of Health & Wellness.  Note: link takes you out of the NEU site:  www.creativeparenting.com

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