ten golden rules for future parents (book)

10 Golden Rules for Future Parents, now available in several languages, was generously submitted to our Library in 2018 by NewEarth University Fellow, Laura Uplinger; Conscious Conception & Prenatal Life Pioneer, School of Health and Wellness in its discipline of Conscious Birth & Dying.

OMAEP, the World Organization of Prenatal Education Associations, is honored to present its Ten Golden Rules for Future Parents whose text is largely based on the brochure of the Association Hellénique pourl’Éducation Prénatale (AHEP), officially approved by the Greek Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2008, and ever since given to public workers who get married, together with their marriage certificate.

Portuguese version: Regras de Ouro para impressão

Coming soon, French version: 10 Regras de Ouro para Futuros Pais

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