Tag Archive for: Art Therapy

Mandala Art Therapy Meditation by Angela Kirby (NEU Faculty)

  Mandala #66 is a colorful oracle drawing submitted to the Library for you by the Australian visual artist/transpersonal art therapist Angela Kirby, faculty at NEU’s School of The Living Arts. Gratitude to Angela for sharing this inspiring art meditation, part of her ongoing, in-depth series of mandalas begun in 2007. She explains the mandala image:   A circle of love, a

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New Year / New Beginnings … We’re in This Together

    By Angela Kirby, Faculty, NewEarth University School of The Living Arts (Note: Ascension Artwork #63 by Angela KIRBY © 2022 courtesy of the author)     Here we are on our 2022 journey juxtaposed with remnants of past and connection with future lives that we have and to be travelled. I’ve listened to many 2022 Astrology reports –

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