~ gratitude for participating in this global meditation ~
note: stay-tuned for the next event
Join with us in a Global Event at 11:11 on September 22
With your family, friends and community… express a creative way-of-living with light-minded Souls in Oneness
WHERE: parks, homes, beaches, mountains, yoga centers, places of power, ancient sites, lakes, ponds, etc.
Honor the Earth, her Waters of Life and her Indigenous Cultures
Singing… Meditation
Dancing… Drumming
Labyrinth Walking… Yoga… Movement… Hiking… a Oneness Walk
Participate in YOUR WAY of ARTFUL LIVING
We invite you to join forces with us for the autumnal equinox in a global meditation for peace, water preservation and Indigenous resilience to be organized at several locations worldwide: Mexico City, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Vancouver, California, Colorado, Montreal, New Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Sydney and wherever YOU are.
It is during these pivotal times in which the most important things in life are endangered: earth’s natural resources of clean water and healthy crops; the life of our Indigenous cultures, and the precious lives and happiness of our children. When our sovereignty is compromised we feel a great need to organize together to protect the sacred and re-establish our long lost harmony upon mother earth and within ourselves.
NEW EARTH NATION invites change-makers, activists, artists and ambassadors of peace to organize a meditation in their own community. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to join forces with us NOW creating a single moment of cohesion and critical mass awareness upon the matters that are endangering our fragile eco-systems. We wish to address this month’s meditation towards WORLD PEACE, HEALING OF OUR WATERS & RESPECTING ALL INDIGENOUS CULTURES.
Our intention is to raise awareness about the fact that millions of Indigenous peoples across the earth are suffering right now because of water issues. Right now, all over the American continent people are standing up at diverse front lines of big battles against oil and fracking companies. Our brothers and sisters from across the Amazon basin… all the way to North Dakota, Canada and Alaska are holding their ground for communities and families, while protecting the sacred land and its resources from menacing forces—and in the bigger picture, they are also standing up for YOU and YOUR family.

gratitude in grace
Please unite and stand with us on September 22 for a global meditation to re-establish PEACE and bring oceans of AWARENESS about waters and Indigenous spirit.
HOW: Join this facebook event and invite your friends. Also, if you want to be an even more active agent of light, consider organizing a meditation in your community on Sep 22. Promote it by creating a facebook event and then invite your people to join in this global movement for powerful change.