NEU Members

Dean G Allen, PhD

Dr. Dean G Allen is from the USA and holds a PhD in clinical psychology with dissertation research on the topic of “Autonomic Nervous System Control as a Function of Imagery” using biofeedback. While doing this cutting-edge work he also taught a University course on “The Psychology of Consciousness”. He then did several years of biofeedback therapy with clients before he was introduced

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Thomas J Brown

Thomas Joseph Brown (affectionately known as “Tom” the Wizard) is a longtime NewEarth University fellow and faculty member of the School of Science & Design Innovation serving as sacred sciences senior advisor and director, doing full-spectrum research in the sacred sciences and metaphysics. Just another human questioning reality and our place in it… Tom’s main interest is comprehending the archetypal

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Jonathan Ash

Jonathan is presently based in the US, and has been responsible for overseeing the management and administration of multiple and diverse divisions within both private sector, municipal and state financial operations during the past 30 + years.  Since 2019, he has served as a management and financial consultant for the Committee to Support the ITNJ, the NewEarth University (NEU) – and

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Marcy Axness, PhD

  Marcy Axness, PhD, is an early development specialist, parent coach and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers, a book whose premise is, If we really want to change the world we need to raise a generation who are “wired for peace,” beginning in the womb.  The win-win is that a child whose neuro-social development

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Carla Maria García Machado

  Carla Maria García Machado worked for 12 years at IBM as a System Analyst and Project Manager. She then became an Astrologer, a Flower Remedies Specialist and a Reichian Therapist, and subsequently opened a clinic called, Casa do Despertar (House of Awakening). This was a special place where several holistic health professionals worked in concert and various workshops about

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Renate Quehenberger, MA, PhD

“What I know is not suitable & what is suitable I do not know.“  – Immanuel Kant quoting Isokrates, in Vorkritische Schriften II 1757-1777   Renate C.Z. Quehenberger, MA, PhD (a.k.a. Rea Queenberg) is a media artist, philosopher, geometer and sci-art researcher currently based in Vienna, Austria. Her conference presentations and publications comprise the fields of arts, geometry, archaeology, quantum physics,

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François Amigues, D.O.

François Amigues, D.O. – Bio-sketch DO – Doctor of Osteopathy Professor of Pediatrics at the College of Osteopathic Study of Vancouver, Canada, Creator and teacher of 3 postgraduate osteopathic courses in perinatality, energetic osteopathy in posturology and cognitive neuroscience. Chairman of the charity, Canadian Association of perinatal Education, since 2012, dedicated to families, pregnant women and mothers with children Creator

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Chief Sylvestre Gnakale

(Updated 2021) Greetings to all the NewEarth University Honourable Dignitaries. I give my gratitude to you for inviting me on this pedestal of eminent intellectuals. It is a great honor and truly humbling. Please bear with me as I am borrowing this language for communication purposes – I hope you will understand my message. Before I introduce myself, I would

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Margo Anand

Margot Anand

Margot Anand – longtime dear friend and supporter of the NewEarth Movement – is an internationally acclaimed authority on Tantra, a best-selling author, and much-beloved teacher and founder of SkyDancing Tantra®. Margot’s books, videos, CDs and DVDs are widely regarded as the seminal teachings for integrating spirituality and sexuality and for cultivating the art of ecstatic living. Her popular books are

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the late Senator John Vasconcellos

the late Senator John Vasconcellos (1932 – 2014) “We must become both hospice workers to support the peaceful dying and letting go of our traditional culture of fear and cynicism, and midwives to gently usher in our emerging culture of trust and mutual regard – and with it a more hopeful human future.”  – John Vasconcellos   – In Beloved

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Desmond Green

  I am a conscious cosmologist, creating an understanding of myself as the ONE BREATH expressing all of us. Sharing my journey to this point with others is what has led me to develop my 8 step practice: (1) Conscious deep breathing (2) Self-nurturing language (3) Healthy nutrition (4) Exercise (5) Unconditional Self-Acceptance (6) Vision and Process (7) A Spirit

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