
Renate Quehenberger, MA, PhD (Faculty)

“What I know is not suitable & what is suitable I do not know.

 – Immanuel Kant quoting Isokrates, in Vorkritische Schriften II 1757-1777


Renate C.Z. Quehenberger, MA, PhD (a.k.a. Rea Queenberg) is a media artist, philosopher, geometer and sci-art researcher currently based in Vienna, Austria. Her conference presentations and publications comprise the fields of arts, geometry, archaeology, quantum physics, system theory and ancient Egyptian mysteries. During her SciArt (PEEK) project » Quantum Cinema a Digital Vision « (2010‐13) with Peter Weibel at the University of Applied Arts – Vienna (funded by the FWF) she developed a higher dimensional digital 3D animated geometry & visualized the 5-, respectively 10-dimensional space Mathematical finding: The 3D representation of the Penrose Kites & Darts Tiling = Plato’s 5th Element.

For promoting her geometrical finding worldwide, she uses the 3D representation of the Penrose Kites & Darts Tiling (identified as Plato’s 5th Element), and also various art context activities that include exhibitions and film screenings in museums and art spaces on four continents.

Dr Quehenberger’s new 5D Geometry Academy is in alignment with the NewEarth ethos dedicated to inspire NEU students for a holistic world view by means of teaching higher dimensional geometry that enables all to understand already existing Unified Theories (TOEs). Academy curricula offered at the NewEarth University’s School of Science & Design Innovation is based on her unique artistic & academic research on higher dimensional geometry in different domains of knowledge – from arts and philosophy, anthropology, archeology to Earth sciences, biology, quantum physics and astronomy – revealing that the ancient Egyptian Isis and Osiris myth can be interpreted as origami instruction for enfolding the building block of 5-dimensional space.


5D Geometry Academy will assist us how to better know ourselves and the living Earth embedded in the

Living Intelligent Pattern of the Universe

Career Highlights:

Exhibitions / QC-Film screenings: Neues Museum Weimar, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, MAK Vienna, Cairotronica, NHM Vienna, Musée du Patrimoine Amazigh dAgadir, DATAMI-Resonances III SciArt Festival at the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) in Ispra, Bozar in Brussels, Milano Digital Week 2020

1st Prize of the Entropy Best Poster Awards at the Linnaeus Conference, 2018: Towards Ultimate Quantum Theory (UQT) for the Visualization of Higher Dimensional Unified Theories.

Featured Artist of the Cybernetics & Human Knowing Journal of Second Order Cybernetics, Autopoiesis & Cybersemiotics, 2017. Kunstalle mürz; Ars Electronica Festival Linz, Symmetry Festival, Bridges Mathematics & Arts Festival and IMAGINARY at the International Conference of Mathematicians ICM, Seoul, 2014

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