
Dean G Allen, PhD (Faculty)

Wellness Advocate School of Health & Wellness

Dr. Dean G Allen is from the USA and holds a PhD in clinical psychology with dissertation research on the topic of “Autonomic Nervous System Control as a Function of Imagery” using biofeedback. While doing this cutting-edge work he also taught a University course on “The Psychology of Consciousness”. He then did several years of biofeedback therapy with clients before he was introduced to an infrared science that Measures, Tracks and Decodes an individual’s organ/gland Life-force energy flow pattern – programming their specific physical diseases, emotional dysfunctions, and mental thinking patterns (programmed by their trauma memories).

Since 1987 Dr. Dean has used this science with thousands of clients to raise their own personal consciousness about themselves. He is now preparing to utilize these advanced insights to create a Conscious Health Plan to provide folks with a plan using simple, inexpensive scientifically-based insights that will raise their personal consciousness for how their life, body and business problems are being programmed. This health plan strategy would be distributed through their own local health professionals.

A longtime wellness advocate, Dr. Dean Allen joined the NewEarth University in 2018 as a faculty member of the School of Health & Wellness, cross-pollinating his research with the School of Science & Design Innovation.



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