Tag Archive for: yoga

Kundalini Awakening: Untangling the Enigma of Eden

  Kundalini Awakening: Untangling the Enigma of Eden Article submitted to the NEU Library by Sri Jana   A mystery confounds humanity. Our entire history is veiled in enigma. How can we understand ourselves as long as our history is unknown? How should we interpret the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man? Literally? As a Metaphor?

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Svadyaya: Me and My Shadow by Linda Yelton

  Svadyaya: Me and My Shadow by Linda Yelton Editor’s Note: Gratitude to the author for sharing her photos for this article, reprinted from the NewEarth Blog, October, 2020.   Have you ever had to interact with someone who just drives you up the wall?  Have you had to be around someone who was mean, condescending, and self-aggrandizing?  How about someone

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earth day: plant a tree.. be a tree (yoga article by nancy ash)

  Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, worldwide director of NewEarth University, a new-paradigm learning initiative of the NewEarth Project. (Reprinted with permission, excerpted from the column, Doing a 360: Sacred Spherical Strategies for Optimal Living in Dayspring, from the International Ministry, Alliance of Divine Love, Sept. Issue, 2008, pg. 4. ©)   God’s Masterpiece: a magnanimous 360° painting surrounds us

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