Tag Archive for: wholistic health

Reduce Or Eliminate Arthritis (7-page PDF)

    7-page downloadable PDF Research Paper submitted to the Library by Fellow Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. A helpful resource shared by her colleague to help us reduce or eliminate arthritis (and a whole lot more with 20 Mule Team Borax). Reduce or Eliminate Arthritis PDF

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peter a levine, phd – developer of somatic experiencing (website)

  Though this website resource was designed for his students, Dr. Levine states at the homepage, “he hopes it will provide some beneficial information about healing your trauma so that you may find safety, wholeness, and a renewed capacity to seek your highest potential.”  Somatic Experiencing® is a body-awareness approach to trauma taught throughout the world, developed by Levine after

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spirit-body-mind – ten key insights

ten key insights about the human body Insight #1: The human body is electro-magnetic by nature, sustained by Source energy (sometimes called, life-force, Qi, prana or primal fire). A healthy body utilizes life-force abundantly through all its systems. In contrast, a diseased body has developed blockages that prevent the utilization of one’s life-force. Symptoms or feeling ‘dis-ease’ will reflect the degree

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new paradigm healthcare: reclaiming your health sovereignty

  A Core Human Right We believe that vibrant healthcare is a core human right.  Reclaiming your health sovereignty is an essential component of exercising your absolute sovereignty – and therefore, embodying your best healthcare strategies. Most corporations and institutions have served their own financial interests, relegating humanity to the desperate health straits that we face today.  There is a

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