Tag Archive for: straw man

Natural Law Resource: A Sovereignty Mind-Set

  This brief natural law article, A Sovereignty Mind-Set was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty members as part of an ongoing series of remedy resources submitted to the library.   A Sovereignty Mind-Set Possessing the correct mind-set is fundamental to the success of implementing any sovereignty ‘strategy.’ If one harbors the opinion that

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Meet Your STRAWMAN! (animated video)

  Popular short video to creatively explain in just a few fun minutes: What IS Your STRAWMAN? A story (logical explanation) of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government.  This is informative animation made in...

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the lawful remedy to tyranny workbook by richard walbaum

  The LAWFUL Remedy to Tyranny Workbook fulfills the need for a succinct legal theory and step-by-step procedure to apply the principles laid out in the book, The LAWFUL Remedy to Tyranny – and serves as its companion. Natural law is the law of cause and effect that underlies all of creation, but in the current context natural law encompasses

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natural law pdf / memorandum of law on the name – capitalization

  Download the 22 page PDF: Memorandum of Law on the Name (gratitude to the anonymous author). Capitalization is used for your STRAWMAN, just as it is used for corporations and other legal entities governed under trade law. Herein is a comparison of opinions on the question of why there are capitalized names in English language usage – from linguistic

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meet your straw man by moses g washington (law article)

  The straw man is an “artificial person.” Here is a definition of straw man: “A ‘front’; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. Nominal party to a transaction …” ~ Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition Click here to download this Straw Man article (2003 PDF, 7 pages of educational content) Gratitude

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sovereignty: the importance of asking questions

  This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty and staff volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources.   Whether it be questions directed at oneself in the form of self-inquiry or questions directed at those who seek to subvert one’s inherent sovereignty, the art of asking questions is

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