Tag Archive for: spirituality articles

Kundalini Awakening: Untangling the Enigma of Eden

  Kundalini Awakening: Untangling the Enigma of Eden Article submitted to the NEU Library by Sri Jana   A mystery confounds humanity. Our entire history is veiled in enigma. How can we understand ourselves as long as our history is unknown? How should we interpret the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man? Literally? As a Metaphor?

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The “Michael Prophecy” by Dr. Robert Gilbert

  The “Michael Prophecy”: Who We Are and Why We Are Here by Dr. Robert Gilbert, PhD This article, excerpted from the online course: Spiritual Empowerment, reveals one of the great secrets of the Rosicrucian tradition: That we are living in the time of the Greatest Mass Incarnation of Spiritual Initiates in Human History. To learn more about longtime NEU

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you too are a “self’ – human consciousness model by dr margret rueffler (article pdf)

  PDF 5-pg article, NEU_You Too Are a Self by Dr. Rueffler Dr. Margret Rueffler, a transpersonal psychologist, is the founder Lagu Damai Foundation and Jiwa Damai organic gardens and retreat center in Bali. For more than thirty years she has developed and researched the Psychology of the “HeartSelf-Intelligence” and the “Psychology of Nations”.   She trains people internationally and has

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