Tag Archive for: spiritual sciences

rupert sheldrake “science set free” interview (article)

  This in-depth article with Rupert Sheldrake, PhD (interviewed by thebestschools.org) gives a 360-View of the best-selling author and Cambridge-trained biochemist and plant physiologist known best for his groundbreaking work of morphic resonance or morphogenic fields.  “The big problem with science at the moment is its pretention to a unified authority, for example in evolutionary theory. One way forward would

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spirit science (website)

  Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of spiritual and scientific ideas. This website may inspire you to explore these topics further: Note link takes you out of the NewEarth University site:  Spirit Science (Caveat: this website may be outdated) (Feature Photo of NEU’s spiritual science researcher, Tom Brown and Dr. Nancy Ash, host of Kaleidoscope)

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