Tag Archive for: PDFs

Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins

  The Secret History of the American Empire is the sequel to the book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption (See an extensive Appendix of helpful resources.) John Perkins is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a startling expose of international corruption that spent more than a year on The

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one crystal’s dance: the star mother by dan winter (PDF)

  Note: Link takes you out of the NEU site: Dan Winter’s Book An ocean of Gratitude to the author Dan Winter, friend to the NewEarth Project, for allowing this book to be shared freely for educational purposes (Downloadable PDF 75 pages on the nuances of geometric keys to the resonant spirit of biology) The Star Mother / Crystal Hill

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The I Ching (classic book)

  The I Ching (Book of Changes) Sacred Books of the East (edited by F. Max Müller) 2nd Edition translated by James Legge. This precious resource is accessed direct at the link: I Ching Book

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pdf book / the great transition: a tale of how it turned out right

A Report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) based in the United Kingdom. Humanity appears caught in a trap with no way out. We are facing a series of interlinked systemic problems – consuming beyond our planetary limits; untenable inequality; growing economic instability and a breakdown in the relationship between ‘more’ and ‘better’. The only way to overcome these systemic

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Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson (classic book)

  Emerson spoke out against materialism, the belief that material or physical things—not spiritual—are the most important. He also stood up against formal religion, and slavery (“I will not obey it, by God.”) Emerson, however, was not merely against certain things; he both preached and modeled a positive attitude. He became America’s leading transcendentalist (a person who believes that reality

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Global Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (PDF)

  The Global Sovereign’s Handbook: Reclaim the Seven Aspects of Sovereignty and Take Back the American Mind, is a 345 page PDF written by Johnny Liberty. We thank him for kindly sharing this comprehensive work (freed into the public domain in 2006) as a resource in the free Library. Download the PDF HERE Note from the Author: This final edition

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