Tag Archive for: new economy

the electric cooperative story (usa)

  This video features a fast-action hand-drawn guide to the history, structure, and purpose of rural electric cooperatives in the United States.  It was created by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (http://www.nreca.coop).  

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international co-operative alliance (ICA)

  Shared by a NEU staff researcher, this resource shares a website of the International Co-operative Alliance, a non-profit international association established in 1895 to advance the co-operative model.  The Alliance is the apex organization for co-operatives worldwide, representing 284 co-operative federations and organizations across 95 countries (January ’15).  Members of the Alliance are national level co-operative federations, individual co-operative

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Quote by Tyler Cowen

Economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life. Tyler Cowen

global alliance for banking on values – people before profit

  New paradigm banks lead the way to an investment paradigm based on human values. Ecologically and socially aware people who make this little step and choose to aopen a bank account with an “ethical bank” can be sure that their hard earned money does serve the regeneration of the environment and social justice as a whole. This is a

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basic income earth network (website)

  This economics resource is a website to a unique charitable and educational organization BIEN, Basic Income European Network, (now Earth rather than European) which is about “Basic Income” – a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. From the site here is the HISTORY of BASIC INCOME (Money, Money, Money

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