gaian economics: living well within planetary limits – book by gaia education

The new earth into which we are moving has been called by some the ‘Ecological Age’. It will be characterized by a new understanding of our place as a thread in the Web of Life, of our interconnectedness with all other living things.

Given the pivotal role of economics in defining the nature of the Industrial Age – characterized by consumerism, unsustainable exploitation of the natural world and ever-widening wealth disparities within the human family – it is here perhaps more than in any other field that we need urgently to find new ways of thinking and being in the world.

Research the Book – The Fourth Key, Gaian Economics


  • The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community – David Korten

  • Economics of Happiness – Helena Norberg-Hodge

  • Financial Stability: A Case for Complementary Currencies – Margrit Kennedy

  • The Saber: A Complementary Currency for Learning – Bernard Lietaer

  • Buddhist Economics – E. F. Schumacher

  • Sarvodaya Means ‘Everybody Wakes Up’- Joanna Macy

  •  Rules for a Local Economy – Wendell Berry

  •  Powerdown and Permaculture: At the Cusp of Transition – Rob Hopkins

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