Tag Archive for: nature

Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative (video)

  This resource is a short video introducing the Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative and the Ecosystem Restoration Camps. Learn of a self-organizing, direct action to train and deploy people to mitigate and adapt to human-induced climate change by restoring ecological function on a planetary scale. Intro Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative: https://youtu.be/5mAxgCXNmCU

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Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson (classic book)

  Emerson spoke out against materialism, the belief that material or physical things—not spiritual—are the most important. He also stood up against formal religion, and slavery (“I will not obey it, by God.”) Emerson, however, was not merely against certain things; he both preached and modeled a positive attitude. He became America’s leading transcendentalist (a person who believes that reality

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earth day: plant a tree.. be a tree (yoga article by nancy ash)

  Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, worldwide director of NewEarth University, a new-paradigm learning initiative of the NewEarth Project. (Reprinted with permission, excerpted from the column, Doing a 360: Sacred Spherical Strategies for Optimal Living in Dayspring, from the International Ministry, Alliance of Divine Love, Sept. Issue, 2008, pg. 4. ©)   God’s Masterpiece: a magnanimous 360° painting surrounds us

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