Tag Archive for: natural law resources

The Sovereign Voice Commemorative Book (digital)

*** Staff favorite! In tandem with NEU’s School of Natural Law, we are delighted to gift you with this beautiful Sovereign Voice Commemorative Issue featuring the ITNJ’s Seating for its Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse, Westminster Hall, London, UK, April 2018. Gratitude to all at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ.org) for creating this limited-edition printed book

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usa war powers act of 1933 – PDF book excerpt

  A chapter from War Powers Act of 1933, excerpted from, A Lawsuit Is An Act Of War by Professor Melvin Stamper, J.D., of which these 37 pages were researched and written by many: Paul Bailey Lynn Bitner, Russell Grieder, Alvin Jenkins, Walter Marston, Fred Peters, Ed Petrowsky, Jerry Russell, Billy Schroder, Darrell Schroder, Dr. Gene Schroder, Van Stafford, Tinker

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natural law remedies resource: creating public records

  This brief natural law remedy resource is part of a series compiled and submitted by the volunteer staff and faculty of NEU’s School of Natural Law.    Creating Public Records The importance of creating public records cannot be overstated. In the United States the county recorder is the best place to record public notices.  They are the records keeper,

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natural law remedies resource: administrative procedure for civil matters

  This brief natural law resource is part of a remedy series compiled and submitted by the volunteer staff and faculty of NEU’s School of Natural Law.  (Gratitude to Connie Broussard for sharing this photo from her private collection.) Administrative Procedure for Civil Matters Handling debt, court or taxes all involves understanding due process and administrative procedure.  Once you know

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global alliance for the rights of nature

  Partner of the NewEarth Project, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is a world-wide movement of individuals and organizations creating human communities that respect and defend the rights of Nature. Rights of Nature is the recognition and honoring that trees, oceans, animals, mountains have rights just as human beings have rights.  Rather than treating nature as property

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alien tort claims act (atca) global policy forum

The Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) of 1789 grants jurisdiction to US Federal Courts over “any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States.”  An interesting development has been the recent efforts to use ATCA to sue transnational corporations for violations of international law

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