Tag Archive for: learning & education

an indian folk religion by rabindranath tagore (article)

  Link takes you to The Literature Network website, into an article by Rabindranath Tagore from a series, entitled: Creative Unity: An Indian Folk Religion  http://www.online-literature.com/tagore-rabindranath/creative-unity/4/  Caveat, this site has a lot of cheesy advertising. (Cliff Home of My Ancestors Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection.)  

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a grandmother’s dedication to unlearning

Dedication of Unlearning by Patti O’Donahue, MA, RYT Former faculty at NEU’s School of The Living Arts – Learning & Education discipline I dedicate my unlearning to my daughter, Sascha, who as a little girl Re-Awakened me to the Mysterious nature of the Universe and to our Gift of intuition, our Divinity, or in New Earth terms our Sovereignty. I

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education – circle of children (blog)

  This website BLOG is designed to assist folks in various and wide-ranging roles with infants and children of all ages. The link will take you out of the NEU site: http://circleofchildren.org (Circle of Life Drawing circa ’77 by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection)

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new paradigm learning undergraduate, grad & postgrad courses at netu

new paradigm learning undergraduate, grad & postgrad courses at netu

  New Earth Theological University (NETU) is a unique online degree-granting school in alliance with the ethos of NewEarth University. Originally founded as a seminary by its former President, it has morphed through the years into a fresh, new paradigm learning community with modern theological curriculum rooted in Oneness based on the all-inclusive Interspiritual movement.  Some NETU professors and instructors are

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impact of music on mathematic achievements

  The link between active music learning and gains in spatial-temporal reasoning has been well-established through scientific research.  Gratitude for this this 11-pg downloadable PDF that discusses the impact of music on math achievements. Impact of music on math PDF

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