a grandmother’s dedication to unlearning

Dedication of Unlearning by Patti O’Donahue, MA, RYT

Former faculty at NEU’s School of The Living Arts – Learning & Education discipline

I dedicate my unlearning to my daughter, Sascha, who as a little girl Re-Awakened me to the Mysterious nature of the Universe and to our Gift of intuition, our Divinity, or in New Earth terms our Sovereignty. I also devote my personal Unlearning Journey to her son and my Grandson, Nixon Euchere. This sweet little boy, although only five years old at the time of this writing has been another profound teacher in my unlearning and Remembering about other ways of knowing and being in the relationship with myself and my world. Just like his Mama, Nixon is in tune with a Greater Mystery and communicates this wisdom to the adults around that are open and willing to listen and to learn from him.

I also dedicate this conversation of unlearning to my Elders and Ancestors; as well as to the First Nation’s peoples whom I have had the honor of working with over this past decade. Despite generations of genocide and trauma, indigenous peoples have remained connected to their heart, and to the heartbeat of Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. Indigenous peoples have a unique worldview and are teachers in the unfolding of a New Dream of Earth.

As most who read these words are already aware, we are living through a global paradigm shift, a transformational time in human consciousness when antiquated beliefs that no longer serve life are falling away and new beliefs, values and perceptions are arising. We are at the crossroads though with many complex problems to overcome, and as my Grandson Nixon says, “The earth hurts Nana.” These problems require new ways of seeing, being and doing and intuitive intelligence is a jewel residing within the heart of us all available immediately for inspiration and guidance. Our intuitive heart guides us on a learning journey that cannot occur within the linear, patriarchal, hierarchical model of learning that has led us to this this crossroad. Tuning into your heart and responding to your inner voice and the messages is your personal invitation to step into a greater mystery.


Lastly, I dedicate my unlearning to the rise of the sacred feminine within myself and the world and to the dream of a peaceful integration of all cultures and creatures onto a single planet, lovingly referred to as Mother Earth by our indigenous ancestors.

Visualizing a future where our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have a healthy harmonious home, community and earth to live out their wildest dreams.


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