Tag Archive for: law books

usa war powers act of 1933 – PDF book excerpt

  A chapter from War Powers Act of 1933, excerpted from, A Lawsuit Is An Act Of War by Professor Melvin Stamper, J.D., of which these 37 pages were researched and written by many: Paul Bailey Lynn Bitner, Russell Grieder, Alvin Jenkins, Walter Marston, Fred Peters, Ed Petrowsky, Jerry Russell, Billy Schroder, Darrell Schroder, Dr. Gene Schroder, Van Stafford, Tinker

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babylonian and assyrian laws, contracts and letters (PDF book)

  This 1904 book (PDF), Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters by CHW Johns, MA was shared online and is downloadable for your Fair Use educational study by the Philadelphia Divinity School. We are grateful for this noble effort to advance wisdom-knowledge in this arena by leading scholars in the USA and Europe. From the Library of Ancient Inscriptions,

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intro to the philosophy of law by roscoe pound (book)

  Available in many online Libraries, this law resource is a book by Nathan Roscoe Pound, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (downloadable PDF version) from 1921-22 available as Fair Use Text in the Public Domain solely for educational and academic study purposes, featuring talks delivered before the Law School of Yale University in Connecticut as the William L.Storrs

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