Tag Archive for: interdependence

european journal of ecopsychology – 5 free issues

  This resource gives direct access to PDF files (5 full journal issues from 2010-14) of the European Journal of Ecopsychology, a peer-reviewed journal aiming to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives.  Edited by Paul Stevens, Bournemouth University.  Gratitude for sharing these issues; NOTE: Link takes you out of the NEU site: http://eje.naturalresourceswellbeing.com/

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Regenerative Society (article)

This resource takes you into the website, commonstransition.org for an article entitled: TOWARD REGENERATIVE SOCIETY: PLAN FOR RAPID TRANSITION For access place the URL into your browser:  http://commonstransition.org/toward-regenerative-society-plan-for-rapid-transition/ To achieve a truly inclusive transition, it’s essential to offer an ecology of proposals utilizing different metaphors and appealing to different cultures.

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pdf book / the great transition: a tale of how it turned out right

A Report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) based in the United Kingdom. Humanity appears caught in a trap with no way out. We are facing a series of interlinked systemic problems – consuming beyond our planetary limits; untenable inequality; growing economic instability and a breakdown in the relationship between ‘more’ and ‘better’. The only way to overcome these systemic

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